Being small

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Dear Journal,

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. If there are seven billion people in the world and I’m only one out of those seven billion. What is the significance of me?

Perhaps that thought has passed many people’s minds because it is a very good question. 

I’m not the most science-y person but the earth’s size in comparison to the sun is tiny. As well as that our solar system is just another one out of a few hundred billion in the Milky Way galaxy. To top that off the galaxy we’re in is another one out of many, many other ones. One person in this universe is less than a tiny, tiny speck.

Talk about feeling small.

I thought about this so much my head was ready to explode. Then I figured something. We are all special to someone. You shouldn’t ever say you’re not. And if you ever find yourself in that position then you either live in isolation or perhaps you are pushing people away for some reason. And that is why it shouldn’t matter that you are only a tiny part of this earth’s population of humans you are. No one on this earth is insignificant. Really, anything outside this planet doesn’t really matter at the moment because science hasn’t progressed that far yet to find other intelligent life.

Everyone is important, seriously. You shouldn’t doubt that. Ever.

“A person’s a person, no matter how small.” –Dr Seuss


Hehe have you guys watched Horton hears a who before? It’s gooooooood XD

Really, i didn't pick pysics so solary system tings arent my thing

Remember to do the wattpad things!

Laters, Tiffany x

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