Physical Health

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Dear journal,

Things were going pretty good after that. Dare I say I was happy at that point. Things were going well I made new friends at my new school and money wasn’t much of a problem anymore. I had no worries so that to me, I was happy. But looking back, I knew I wasn’t, I was content but not happy.

When I went into Secondary school, I decided that I should do more exercise so I joined the school’s netball team. That was fun, it was where I met most of my friends as well as getting a good deal of exercise. The only other exercise I did was in P.E, in other words, none because well in P.E in my school if you don’t put in the effort, you don’t get shouted at so most people including myself just stood at the side aimlessly, letting the sports enthusiasts do all the work.

Unlike some silly girls, I didn’t starve myself to be ‘skinny’ to be quite honest I don’t see why you would want to be skinny when it means to starve yourself, the important thing is to be healthy. So instead I had a healthy diet to be in shape and knowing me I couldn’t have gave up food like that anyway.

The thing I realised was my mental health was a lot better when my physical health was. I felt good, and that generally made me happier, I was less grumpy and found myself smiling more.

So to be happy, a good first step is to keep your physical health in check.


Yo people! :D

Ok, Im terrrible I know, I couldn't find the inspiration to update but here it is! 

I've not been getting much feedback from this story anyhooooow if you enjoy this please vote and comment stuff, it motivatates me! :)

Heart, Tiffany :)

How To Be HappyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon