S: Safe

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S: Safe

It was late at night, around midnight and Gil was hungry. He had ventured into the kitchen in hope of finding something easy to make.

Opening the fridge door, he found pizza wrapped in tin foil. Happy with that he threw it in the microwave for about five minutes and left to get a beer from the garage.

He had apparently failed to learn anything from his last cooking experience.

It being late, he was tired and slow, so it took a moment for him to get his beer and walk back into the kitchen.

Expecting to smell something nice, like his cooking pizza, he was very displeased to find it reeked.

Rounding the corner into the kitchen he froze. Smoke was issuing from the microwave, the smoke alarm was clearly not working because it hadn't gone off.

Before he could do anything else, the microwave exploded into flames.

He yelped and looked around. On the counter was a clear bottle of what he thought was water. He opened the top and threw it on the fire.

It was a bit too late for him to realize it was Everclear. Because by the time he did the fire had now hissed and grown a lot more.

He bolted from the kitchen and towards the stairs. He tripped, and started running up on all fours, reaching the top flew towards his and Eliza's bedroom.

He thought the door was still open a crack, and ran full speed into it.

He swore and screamed, falling backwards, his face, chest and hands now hurting. The door was shut, and man those doors were solid.

A half asleep Eliza threw the door open and looked at him. It didn't take her long to smell the smoke or see the growing light. She swore, leaned over to help him up and wordlessly they both ran down the stairs and out the front door.

By now the flame were pretty evident, in the windows on the side and back of the house, one of the neighbors had already woken and called the fire department, dogs were howling and barking, the wind was blowing, and far off sirens were wailing.

Gil was quiet, staring at the house he called home go up in flames.

And it was his fault.

Eliza was holding his arm and looking between him and the house, quiet.

The fire department came, starting to douse the flames, one man came over and spoke.

"Are you two alright?"

Gil could only manage a slight nod. He was a menace, dangerous...he just set a house on fire.

His house...with another person in it.

He sighed and sat down in the grass. Eliza looked down at him before sitting next to him, leaning her head against his shoulder. She could tell something was wrong.

Gil looked at the grass. What if he had just sucked it up and waited to eat until morning? Or not gone to get a beer...or not have put alcohol on the flames.

Or figured out tin foil doesn't get microwaved.

Eliza finally broke the silence "What's the matter...?"

He didn't talk and shifted away.

She wasn't about to take that shit from him and growled "Gilbert."

He looked away "Do you feel safe with me..."

She looked at him, rather confused as to where what come from.

He repeated himself "Do you feel safe with me!"

"Yes...?" she answered, going closer.

He looked at her unconvinced. She sighed, and moved closer until she was in his lap. Leaning her head against his shoulder she said "I always feel safe with you. No matter what."

He thought about it for a moment, slowly wrapping arms around her. "Always?"

"Yes. When you decided to go 110mph down the Autobahn, when you decided to pick fights with guys twice your size, when you start the car in the garage with the door closed and leave it like that. Even when you cook, and I'm so positive someone's losing a finger..."

He kissed her softly, relaxing a little. He might do really stupid things but at least she never was afraid of him...

The fire department left. The house was still standing and most everything besides the kitchen and dining room were fine, besides for slight damage with smoke and water.

"I think we need a new kitchen..." he mumbled

She smirked "Well I did want a new stove."

He put her off his lap and stood, helping her up and starting for Ludwig's house. He had to stay somewhere while that got fixed.

And it was a brand new kitchen he could mess up!

Eliza smiled and held his hand as they walked. Honestly, she wasn't surprised the kitchen was burned. It was really only a matter of time with Gil. But she didn't lie, he was reckless, but he did try to keep her safe. She trusted him, sometimes she didn't know why, but she did.

Yay there's S!

Only 7 more to go


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