Both of you

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"Do I have to go?" Lindsey was whining more than his seventeen year old son. It was the day of the fair at Daryl and Anna's school.

"You're playing guitar for me."

"Can't someone else do it? I really don't want to go. It's Saturday!" Stevie didn't say anything, throwing jeans and a button up shirt at him. "Steeeevieeee..." He dragged out her name, but she was having none of it. 

"It's not for long. The whole event shouldn't be more than three hours and we don't have to stay for the whole thing, although, I'm sure we would disappoint our children if we left early like that."

"I still think it's stupid." He grunted, changing out of his pajamas.

"Shower first, please." She heard him take in a deep breath, as she faced and pointed a finger at him. "You better not sigh on me."

He let out the air slowly, not to make sound. "You're scary."


"Everything alright?" He asked carefully. It had been two weeks since they found out about the baby and after Stevie tried talking to him the next morning, she didn't bring it up again, but she knew he still cared.

"Just tired and I've got a lot on my mind." 

"Then lay down for a bit, while I go shower and get dressed."

"I don't have time. I have to go make breakfast."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

With that, Lindsey went in and locked the bathroom door, while Stevie headed downstairs to the kitchen.

By now it was clear to Lindsey that they were having a baby. Was he happy and excited? Not really, but could he force Stevie into giving it up? Definitely not. He knew he was being unfair, making her feel as if she was the only one who wanted it. He also thought that she had to be feeling very alone at the moment, but he couldn't find it in him to change his mind.

"Morning." Lindsey said to the twins and sat down at the table, where a plate was already served for him, looking at Stevie, who was leaning against one of the kitchen counters, only sipping from a tea cup. "You've eaten already?"

She shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

"You should eat."

"Lindsey, please."

Anna looked up and across the table at Daryl, as if asking, what's going on?, but he shrugged and went back to eating his scrambled eggs.

The atmosphere was filled with tension, once they were finally in the car and on their way to school. Lindsey wanted to say something, but he felt that it would come out insincere and Stevie would just ignore it, he also didn't want Daryl and Anna knowing about it yet either.

When they arrived, their kids left them instantly, in search for their friends, while Stevie and Lindsey were walking around and exploring the grounds, not in the mood for much interacting with other parents. 

They came across a bench and sat down, Stevie looking straight ahead as she spoke. "I know you're showing you care, but it's hard to take it from you. I feel like you're being forced into supporting me."

"It's not just my decision to make. You're a great mother and I know our children are your everything. Even if I feel differently, I can't make you do... you know... and neither am I going to file for divorce over this. After all, it's the greatest gift in life."

"Then why are you so opposed about me giving it to you?" She asked so sincerely, he had to stop for a moment, before he said something that would hurt her more than she already was hurting.

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