We'll get through it

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Even though Sara was barely nine weeks pregnant, she couldn't be more excited about becoming a mother. She was constantly stroking her, still flat, belly and talking to her baby, making all kinds of plans. She knew where the nursery would be, she knew how she wanted it decorated, baby names popping into her head, whenever she wasn't doing anything and her mind wasn't occupied with something else. In their early teens, all of Sara's friends from school were thinking how they were going to go to universities after high school and become doctors or lawyers, but she never wanted that. Especially, not any longer when she met Todd.

She was 17, he was 25 when they first met. It wasn't the most ordinary of relationships to say the least and she was terrified about telling her parents. Stevie, Sara could deal with, but when it came to Lindsey... He was very protective of his children and having been that age himself, he knew what most guys wanted. He didn't want for his daughter to fall in love and then have her heart broken.

Sara used to have a time slot every week at one local club, which was owned by Lindsey's good friends, she would perform there, taking after her parents, thinking at the time she wanted to sing professionally too. And on one of those nights, Todd happened to be there. He was mesmerized by her, although he didn't think of pursuing anything, since she was clearly a lot younger. But passing by his table, Sara gave him a smile and he had to at least compliment her performance. It all went from there.

"Honey?" Todd called out, looking for Sara. "Babe, where are you?"

"Right behind you." She climbed up the stairs, now standing a step away from him. "What was it you wanted?"

"I wanted to tell you I'm leaving to check out that house, that has just been listed in San Diego. It's just too good to miss out on. I think I'll convince the owners to let me overtake the process of selling it."

"Of course you will, but it's a long drive."

"Not really, two hours give or take." Todd said, seeing how Sara got upset. "Hey, what did just happen?" He asked, closing the gap to take her in his arms.

"Nothing, it's nothing... I just hate it when you leave me."

"Are you afraid again? That something will happen while I'm away?"

"Yeah... I know it's silly, but..." Shrugging, she backed off and shook her head. "It's fine. You go and don't worry about me." 

"I'll be back before you know it." He gave her a kiss and was out the door moments later.

Feeling somewhat tired, despite the fact she hadn't been doing much, Sara decided to take a short nap, exhaling deeply as she wrapped herself in plush sheets. She wasn't sure how long she had been sleeping, but she was woken up by the kind of pain that felt like menstrual cramps in her abdomen. Instantly alarmed, she pulled the covers away and saw the sheets stained with blood. 

Torn between calling her mother and an ambulance, Sara decided to dial her parent's home number after all. She was close to hanging up, when her call was finally answered.


"It's me baby, yes. What is it, you sound-"

"Something's wrong, there's blood, Mom..."

"I'll be there right away!"

Trying to stay calm, Stevie grabbed her purse, quickly searching for the car keys, as she left in the same clothes she was wearing at home earlier, her hair a mess and not a touch of makeup, but that wasn't important, Sara, on the other hand, was. 

They lived only about fifteen minutes away from each other and thankfully it wasn't near rush hour yet either, which allowed Stevie to get to her daughter shortly. If Lindsey had been home, they would have got to Sara's probably in half the time.

I Can'tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora