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While Stevie and Sara was out, Lindsey was left with Todd. They had never really got along very well, but now Lindsey felt more uneasy than ever before. This was a great chance to have a word with the man his daughter was set to marry and he wanted to know the true about his trips to San Diego and the perfume. 

"I'd like to talk to you, Todd." Lindsey started, sounding very serious.

"Of course. What is it about?" While Todd tried to mask his nervousness. 

"I'm trying not to jump to any conclusions here, but... Well, a couple of weeks ago, when you came over, Stevie said she could smell woman's perfume on you. That knowledge doesn't sit with me very well. I would like for you to give me an explanation."

Sighing, Todd shrugged. "I wish I wouldn't have to tell you."

"Well, you better."

"It's not what you think, I'm not cheating on Sara." Clearing that up, he then continued. "I have a sister, who lives in San Diego. She... She's struggling badly. She's been to rehab countless times and she just left after her latest stint. We haven't had any contact in years, but she's got no one. She found me and begged me to help her. That's why I've been going to the city and she just clings onto me whenever I'm there, thanking me profusely. I guess that would explain the perfume."

"What about your parents?"

"They kind of... disowned Laura years ago."

"That's terrible." Lindsey shook his head. 

"It is, but they'd given her so many opportunities to get better, they tried helping her, but nothing did. They gave up. It's sad, but they refuse to acknowledge her."

"And why didn't you?"

"I feel sorry for her, I do. And after all, she's my sister. I would want to read about a lifeless body somewhere in the alley..."

"You should have told us or at least Sara, so we wouldn't have doubted you."

"Honestly, I didn't want you to know, not anyone. Because... well, I can helper, I can find her a place to live and support her, but she's..." He knew it was mean to say, but... "She's an embarrassment. I wouldn't want anyone in my firm to find out I'm associated with someone like her."

"Nevertheless, talk to Sara about your sister. Her mind has been occupied with, you know... but sooner or later, she'll find this whole thing suspicious too." 

"I will. And I'm sorry, I made you think that I was being unfaithful to your daughter. I would never do that."

"Hopefully." Lindsey said, also making it a subtle warning.

Not much later, Stevie and Sara came through the front door, saying that everything with the littlest Buckingham was just fine, Lindsey feeling relieved; even if there weren't any signs to suggest otherwise, the constant reassurance was welcomed. 

After a cup of tea, Sara and Todd were on their way home, leaving Stevie and Lindsey by themselves, as Anna was still at her friends and Daryl was being lazy in his room. Cocking her head back, Stevie exhaled deeply, placing her hands over Lindsey's, when he put them on her front. They were both hoping that they would get some rest before the next thing hit them, needing it badly. They had lost touch with each other over the past few weeks and neither liked it very much when one or the other caused it.

"Come." Lindsey said, taking her hand, but Stevie didn't budge. "What's wrong?"

"What's going on?"

"Nothing is going on. I'm taking you upstairs."

"Maybe I don't feel like going upstairs."

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