Doing it wrong- Drake

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Doin it wrong- Drake.  Preference

These are different scenarios I changed it from 4 different people to one person

Touch if you need to but I can't stay to hold you

"Please stay I just need someone to hold me. Just for a few minutes." you pleaded.

"I can't I have to get home to my wife. She needs me now." he said looking away making his way toward the door.

"I understand she's your wife but I'm your best friend practically your mother's daughter and you can't stick around for a few more minutes?" You felt like you were begging but you needed some support right now.

"You're also one of my ex's. I don't want my wife to think there's something going on between us."

"Fine whatever leave. It's not like you're ever here for me anyway." Your last attempt to guilt him in to staying longer.. A fail.

Talk if you need you but I can't stay to hear you it's the wrong thing to do, 'cause you'll say you love me and I'll end up lying and say I love you too

You and Justin had a really bad habit of staying up late talking to each other. But of course neither of you cared seeing as both of you needed the company even if you were 3,000 miles away from each other.

One night you two were goofing around on Skype Justin being his usual self making your stomach hurt and left out really unattractive laughs. Not like he really cared, the only thing that could be better is if you were face to face. You missed the physical contact, lightly hitting his arm or pushing him when you were acting as if you were offended. You don't think he missed it terribly but you know he misses your touch.

"It's late I have stuff to do tomorrow as well as you.. So goodnight Jay Bae. I love you so much Babe."

"Love you too later." he quickly signed off. You just wished he really meant it.
He's just tired. Stop doing that to yourself. Your bright side told you.

Of course he's tired.. Tired of you. Clearly he didn't mean he loves you. Maybe not even a past tense love. Face it your relationship is dead, if you could even call that a relationship. You sighed, you hated when you let your mind wander like that. Stress was getting to you it was just best for you to take a break and relax, so you did.

I need someone different

"It's just we're not working out. We were supposed to change for the better."

We live in a generation of not being in love and not being together, but we sure make it feel like we're together

"Babe can you go get the tools from the closet the book case is loose again." Justin, of course asking for tools so he can make it look like he's crafty or a handyman. It was cute so you let it slide.
"No problem love. Do you want the blue case or the red one?" he paused thinking about it for a second. "The blue one I need to throw out the red one some of the pieces are broke and rusty." he made sure he raised his voice when he said broke to make sure he you know he knew you broke the tools.

"Whatever Bieber." you giggled knowing you were guilty. After digging through the closet your brought the tool case back to him and pecked his lips. He frowned slightly at the book case but you knew it was really you he was frowning at. We made it seem like we were together but in reality it was an elaborate facade. If we really were together I could give him so much more. You thought to yourself gazing longingly at him. He would always see your love for him but never acknowledge it as something real.

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