Can't Deal

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"Babe, you have your tux fitting in an hour you have to take your shower and go get my dad." I yelled from the bottom of the stairs hoping he was already up.

"Do I really have to take your dad? Can't he have his own fitting I just want it to be me and the boys."

"Justin I'm overpaying for the fittings cause you wanted a specific person to make them I'm not paying for the boy's tuxedos they make enough money to do it themselves."
He rolled his eyes "No one asked you to anyway so stop bitching."

"Justin! Your lucky I'm even marrying you after you cheated at our engagement party. Count your damn blessings I am so close to throwing this ring in your damn face and forgetting we ever had anything to beginning with."

"Do it! You're nothing without me!" he screamed at you his face turn red.
You gathered your things as quickly as you could grabbing your phone calling your dad and the wedding planner.

"Daddy, Melissa the wedding has been cancelled I'm sorry maybe we can turn it in to some type of party since the venue has already been booked I'm gonna be out of  town for the next week or two. See you then" You said hanging up throwing your stuff in the trunk of your Mercedes Benz. Realizing you forgot your keys in the house you quickly walked back in searching for the keys on the counter where you left them. You groaned frustrated and decided that you would just take the Jaguar. After sorting out the keys for the correct car you went to get your bag to see it was missing you let out a aggravated scream.

"Justin fucking stop! If you want the damn ring back you can have it I don't give a fuck! Just give me my stuff so I can go." you looked around to see if you saw him in a window but of course he ran and hid so you walked inside and put your ring on the counter driving off with out your bag figuring once you settled in to your hotel and just buy new clothes.

Justin Bieber interracial preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now