Why you trippin?

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You guys had just gotten to the new club everyone was talking about. You didn't want to go in the first place but forced yourself to go since you two hadn't spent much time together. As soon as you walked in you could smell sweat and a huge mixture of colognes, perfumes and alcohols. It wasn't the best mixtures of smells you had smelled before but definitely not the worst.
"Y/N why don't you go get us some drinks, yeah?" You nodded making your way over to the bar. You got your drinks and began heading back to the spot you saw Justin last. As soon as you stopped at the table you noticed another girl on his lap giggling and playing with his hair the way you do.
"Justin!" His head snapped towards you and then looked relieved.
"Good you're back with the drinks!" he shouted over the music. He snatched them from your hands handing one to the girl on his lap. Her face twisted in displeasure, "I don't like this drink, I want a different one."
He looked at you and motioned his head as if saying 'well go get another one!'. It was unbelievable that he dragged you to this club just to flirt with another girl in your face and show no remorse.

You weren't his girl so why we're you trippin? Of course you were interested in him. Liking him was debatable. You were borderline interested almost crossing over to likening him. Maybe I feel this way because I like his attention. Hell I like attention period! Probably because as a kid I was never paid attention to. You thought to yourself. Still you wanted that lost attention so you went off to find it

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