Huge fight

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Being a housewife and caregiver to kids wasn't everything people make it seem. After probably the most frustrating day of your life you decided to make cookies.

"Josiah get out the kitchen and stop screaming!" you were getting aggravated and almost at your breaking point.

"Little boy go sit ya ass down in the living room and watch tv don't come back in here no more!" He finally went and sat down just as your 2 month old daughter started crying.
Damn can I get a fucking break here? You thought. You walked to her room to see what she needed. Luckily all she needed was a diaper change and to be coaxed back to sleep. Walking back to the kitchen you heard stuff starting to fall.

"Josiah Emmanuel Bieber! If you don't get your black ass out the kitchen right now imma make you get my belt and you going to bed early," You yelled and he ran out the kitchen trying to swerve away from you but you caught him by his arm.

"Little boy when I tell you to sit your ass on this couch and watch tv that's what you do. You don't get up when I leave and go back to the kitchen. You gettin a whoopin tonight cause you don't fuckin listen!" You felt bad for yelling at him but he needs to learn. You walked back to.the kitchen leaving him crying on the floor. You finally finished the cookies and dinner when Justin reached over your shoulder trying to get a cookie. "Justin stop." you told him multiple time but he didn't listen. "Justin fucking stop!" He looked at you like he had a right to be upset.

"What's wrong with you, damn?"

"I've been here all day your son doesn't fucking listen, I ran out of pampers for Nani so I called you to see if you could get someone to get some but you decided to turn your phone off. So I had to get them ready which took over an hour and then when I got there she started crying I didn't have a bottle so I had to breast feed her some guy was starring I got uncomfortable and told him to stop then he made a comment about how he would suck on my titty if he had the chance. I went to get the manager who then kicked me out cause he believed the guy had a right to say something like that even though I was feeding my kid. Josiah decided to act up on the way home screaming and crying cause I wouldn't put a movie on and woke up Nani. Now you come in here after I told you stop multiple times no wonder Josiah doesn't listen you're teaching him not to!"

"I'm sorry I have the right to turn off my phone while I'm working!"

"Well maybe if you didn't get me pregnant I could have finished college so you would hold this money shit over my damn head all the time!"
"Well maybe if you were on birth control like you were supposed to be we wouldn't have kids and you would have finished getting your degree."

"Are you blaming be and saying you don't want kids!"

"Yeah I am! I'm 24 and I have 2 kids! I never have any time to myself and I have a wife. I regret everything!" You looked away not being able to look at him anymore.

"I can't believe you just said that."

"Baby come on we were both yelling you know I didn't me-" you cut him off putting your hand in his face.
"Move." he did as you said and you grabbed your kids some money and your car keys and left. Luckily they were sleep so it wasn't difficult to get out. Eventually you had to pull over at the rest stop to calm yourself down because you were crying so hard. That night you and your kids stayed in a hotel 2 cities away from your husband.

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