Step-Mom Blues

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Step mom blues

Your POV

As a step mother there is a thin line between helping and trying to take over. I know where the line is. And as for my step-son and step-daughter there is an understanding that they are angry but you can be angry in silence. They are beyond disrespectful. I've been called names by them, found my clothes and personal belongings in the trash, my toothbrush in the toilet and Justin hasn't said anything to the kids although I've constantly complained about what they've done. In the end he makes it seem like I provoked them to do these things.

"Hey Mari, what are you doing with my white top?"

"What does it look like," she responded with attitude. "I'm using it to clean up the dogs poop."

"What! Where did you even get my top from? Give it back!" I yelled at her.

"Why? Daddy said I could use anything to clean it up."

"Because it's mine and I brought it with my own money." I tried to get her to understand that what she was doing was wrong.

"Why are you yelling at my sister like that?"

"She's using my work shirt to clean up dog crap!"

"So, at least she's doing something unlike you. My mom is right about you, you don't do anything but complain, sit on your ass and use my dad for money! You're the reason they aren't together."

"Jason! You don't have to like me but you will respect me. I don't know who the hell you think you are talking to because I have done nothing but respect you and give you your space. I understand you're upset your parents aren't together but that's not my fault-"

"Yes it is! You're the whore that slip them up!"

"Jason if you don't watch how you talk to me boy I swear-"

"You swear what (Y/N)?" Justin interrupted our argument.

"Justin you better get your kids. Your daughter used my work shirt to clean up dog shit and your son is being overly disrespectful." I explained what happens and he looked at me with a blank face and I knew what he was getting ready to say.

"Well what did you do to make them say and do that?"
"Justin! I understand they're your kids but they are so disrespectful to me and you let them! Your son is being disrespectful for no reason. I understand Mari not knowing any better cause she's young but he's much older and you let them both call me out of my name."

"Well what do you expect me to do, choose between you or them cause it's gonna be them hands down."

"No! I would never ask you to choose! How fucking dare you think I would make you choose between them? If they gave me a chance they would know that I can't have my own kids so I would treat them as my own and you know that."

"We don't have to discuss that with them here."
I shook my head knowing this could get worse at any second. I needed to get out of here.

"I can't be here any longer. I gotta go."

He tried to grab me but I slipped out of his grip walking towards the garage door.

"Miss (Y/N) I'm sorry I used your shirt to clean up poo poo. It was mean of me. Please don't leave my daddy."

"Sweetie it's not your fault. Me and your daddy just had a argument and it's best if I go."
"No (Y/N), please don't. I'm sorry I'll make sure they're more respectful. I shouldn't have let them call you out of name and throw your stuff away."

"Justin stop I just have to get away from this. Stop begging the kids are starting to notice." I pleaded for him to stop but he was determined to get me to stay but I couldn't so I left him on his knees and walked out to the car. Of course I felt bad but I didn't want to cry or blow up in front of the kids. I felt like maybe in a way I was forcing him to choose between up two so I removed myself from the situation.

After driving around for a couple hours I got a call from Pattie.

"Yes Pattie?" I anwsered

"Sweetie where are you, the dinner is starting soon." I mentally cursed myself out. I forgot about the family dinner.

"I'm sorry Pattie, I went out for a drive and completely forgot I'll be there soon." lucky for me I was already in the direction her house was in so it took about 45 minutes to get there.

When I arrived I felt better than I did when I left home. I realised maybe it was me pushing them to like me too much and I didn't give them time to adjust. I shouldn't have went off on Justin and I should have given the kids more time to adjust. Maybe I just need to talk to someone.

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