Week of revenge

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Week of revenge (J.M.)

Background: after the movie "Purge" had been shown in your country many people had the idea to almost do as the characters in the movie do. Its a little different because it helps your country rid itself of serial killers, rapists, child molesters, murderers, etc. Jason, your fiancé is what you would call a justice seeker. A justice seeker is basically a off the books cop, they have all the same things as cops, the only difference is they go after the criminals that get off during the week of revenge.

Your POV

I watched as Jason put on his uniform, making sure nothing was out of place. As a kid I used to love this week, we got out of school, free sweets, and tv without the interruption of commercials, now I've never hated a week so much. One straight week of justified killing. Its for the better of my country but why can't they be like most governments and secretly snatch and kill criminals that get off.

The week of revenge. Up until 6 years ago I didn't know anyone involved in it, that was before I met Jason of course. I met Jason while trying to figure out which metro line I should take, the red got me there quicker but was always packed for that reason. The blue line constantly broken down, and the brown line makes many stops before mine, taking lots of time to get from point A to point B. Eventually with his help I choose the brown line and talking to him almost made me miss my stop, we exchanged numbers talked for a little then stopped because he had gotten in to a relationship. Later on he broke up with her and we began to talk normally again and then started to date.

After we started to date I found out He worked as a justice seeker. It was a huge problem and still is today which is why I hate just this one week of the year.

Narrator POV

Y/N sat on the bed watching her soon-to-be husband get dressed for work.

This may be the last time I see him alive. She thought to herself and sighed.

Jason looked at his fianceé through the mirror already knowing what she was thinking. He hated this week as much as she did, but it brought in an amazing amount of money and it was better than no work at all.

"Stop thinking I'm not gonna come back. Nobody and I mean nobody can keep me away from you." Jason said interrupting the silence.

"I just wish you didn't have to do this. Every time you do this you come back in a daze. I hate the fact that it's a mass killing going on this week but then the fact that it's your job to be out there doing the killing.." Y/N felt like this every year no matter how many times she went through this it was the same.

She worried about all the kids losing their parents, and how they would grow up. She worried about the kids seeing them being murdered but most of all she worried about Jason. He's strong but maybe not strong enough to handle killing for a week as a job the same time every year. It takes a toll on you.

"I just worry about you Jason. I love you so much and I want you to be there at the end of the aisle. So you better kick ass out there and be back to me by the time we have our wedding, okay?"

"Okay baby. I promise, I will be at the end of the aisle. Nothing and nobody can keep me from marrying you. I love you."

He started making his way to the door. You got up to walk him out. Giving him at lengthy tight hug and passionate kiss you made it clear you wanted him back in one piece to his boss who was standing at the door waiting to take him to start his shift. You watched the truck start and drive off saying a silent prayer Jason stays safe once more before closing the door and heading back to the bedroom.


   I'm very proud of this imagine. I thought of it on the spot while I was brushing my teeth and thought what if the government had something like the purge to kill criminals who we know for a fact are guilty and that's how this imagine was born. I've never seen the Purge so don't blame me if the plot of this is nothing like the actual movie. I don't know how many people read this book but I'm grateful for the possible few the do read it.

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