Imma snatch you bald

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It was a normal Sunday in LA, getting your daughter ready for school tomorrow, making dinner, checking to see that everyone has their stuff ready for tomorrow and lastly washing clothes.

As of right now you were doing your daughters hair, but because she was tender-headed she would flinch every time you had to lean on her head slightly to get a good grip or pull her roots tight so the braid will be tight. Getting her hair done would usually on a good day take 2 hours but on a horrible day over 4 hours, only because she was tender- headed and she has really thick curly hair.
Sadly today she was upset and in pouting mode cause I told her no ice cream today and she went behind my back and asked her father Justin for some. Justin being the dad he is went and got it for her but when she asks for ice cream she asks for a thing of ice cream just for herself. Then when you give her that she asks for toppings, really sweet topping and refuses to share or brush her teeth afterwards. Now I'm against child abuse but getting that ass whopped as a disciplinary action isn't abuse and I can't hurt my baby girl I would hurt myself before I let that happen. But you can only tell them what they did wrong so many times before they decide they don't wanna listen anymore.

Anyway I got off track I whopped her cause she went behind my back for ice cream and she's even more upset now cause she has to sit on her but which feels like it's on fire for a few hours. Just to make matters a little worse every time she would slouch, shift, or snatch her head away from me I would grab her head and pull it back. Then she would suck her teeth and huff at me. Leading up to the one comment the would make her cry every time and sit stiff as a board, "Keep tryin my little girl and imma snatch you bald. I done with your disrespect, you can go to school with a nappy head for all I care. So are you gonna sit here and let me finish or stop wasting my time?"

I heard a strangled cry, a big sniffle and then saw her arm wipe across her face before she said "Let you finish." in a tearful voice.

Feeling slightly bad but mostly aggravated you asked "Whatchu cryin for? I can give you somethin else to cry about keep tryin me, my patience is running thin with you little girl."

Of course Justin being Daddy to the rescue hears this and tries to take her while I'm finishing her hair.

"Justin, unless you wanna be the reason she looks a mess in school tomorrow put her down I have to finish."

He sighed and gave me a look, "Go easy on her she's only 5."

You rolled your eyes at him. He doesn't understand, he doesn't have a fidgety child's hair to do for pictures tomorrow he can lay back.

"Well maybe if you didn't give her ice cream earlier I would be done, she wouldn't be crying, and you wouldn't be in trouble."

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