Huge fight pt. 2

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Thank you to KingBieber_Slays for voting and asking for a second  part to 2 of my imagines. You are my motivation for writing.

After being in the hotel for about five days I decided the kids missed enough daycare, and they didn't have enough clothes to stay here.
I hated the fact that I had to go back there. Of course Justin and I had to work out our differences eventually, I just wasn't ready for that be happen so soon. I would imagine he was still freaking out and on the verge of losing it. I didn't want to be away this long but what he said hurt. You don't say stuff like he did, but then again I was to blame too. If I hadn't said what I did none of this would have happened. Actually if I think about it the fight was mostly my fault. If I hadn't yelled at him for wanting a cookie then he wouldn't have made it escalate to where we are now. I love my kids and I know they are a blessing because there are people who can't have any, but I feel like I had them too quick. As if I should've given them up or something.

As we made our way to the house Pattie called.

"Yes Pattie?" I say, skipping all the unnecessary chit chat.

"What happened between you and Justin? He's a wreck." She always so sweet and concerned, which could be a good thing or a bad thing.

"With all due respect Pattie, it's not your business. I hate to say that and I get it as Justin's mom you're gonna get protective, but your son stepped out of line and when he got knocked back in to place his ass couldn't take it. But don't worry I'm on my way back now. The kids need some clothes and they need to get back to their education. I'll talk to you later, bye."
Then I hung up. I didn't want to be disrespectful, but it's mine and Justin's relationship, there are gonna be times when we leave each other because we need to think and she doesn't need to interfere. As husband and wife Justin and I will eventually work it out. We love each other too much to give up. I just hope Justin thinks the same.

As I pulled up in the driveway I noticed smoke coming from the back of the house. My first thought: the house is burning and Justin's in there. In a panic I ran in the house leaving the sleeping kids in the car. I pushed the door open and screamed for Justin.

"Justin! Justin get out there's a fire!" I ran closer to the back entrance I saw Za and the rest of Justin's crew. I then saw the smoke coming from the grill and felt foolish. Justin saw me in a panic and rushed over.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the kids are they okay?" He was concerned about me still and that made me feel better. He wasn't holding a grudge against me and for that I wouldn't hold one against him.

"Yeah we're fine.. I thought it was you that wasn't okay. I got scared when I saw the smoke, I thought there was a fire and you were inside. I was so scared, I felt so foolish once I saw Za at the grill," I was rambling but I could tell he was just happy I still cared about his wellbeing.

"I was relieved. I was so stupid I left the kids in the car I gotta go get them and take them to the daycare, but when I get back and after this is done can we talk? I wanna make sure we're okay."
He nodded frantically.

"We are okay so you don't need to worry about that. But if you feel we really need to talk we can." He grabbed my hands giving them a light squeeze. Soon he let go so I could get the kids ready and drop them off.

When I got back to the house Justin was waiting for me in the kitchen, all of his guests were gone. I guess the figured they would give us our privacy which I was grateful for but felt bad that I stopped their fun.

"I set a plate aside for you cause I know if I didn't you would have my ass, and I know how much you like the way grilled food tastes. Anyway we can sit if you want, since I know we need to talk."

I just jumped up on the counter."Um, thank you for the plate. I just- I know it was my fault we started fighting. It was a difficult day and I snapped on you. Neither of the kids were listening that day and I was so stressed. I shouldn't have snapped at you but I feel you should have understood, I'm with the kids all day and sometimes they make my day sometimes they make me want to cry. When I kept telling you to stop you should have but yeah.." I trailed off not sure what else to say before a thought popped in my head.

"You know what really hurt, not the fact that you yelled at me or anything but that you said you hate your life with me and the kids and that you didn't want them. How could you say that? I love the kids with everything in me then you turn around and say that you don't even want our kids. How fucking dare you! You can say anything you want about me but you talk about our kids like that! Our beautiful kids, if anyone else did that you would have their fucking head, so why all of a sudden are you any different?" I shook my head. Our kids, he didn't want them. That's a difficult thing to wrap your head around.

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