Please don't go...

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[Jimin's POV]

What is he talking about? I don't understand. Why can't he just look at me?

"Jungkook" he whispers and I hope my mind is playing tricks on me and that he didn't actually just say that name.

"What?" I ask him.
That was a bad idea. He starts yelling at me immediately. All kinds of accusations which I know are right but I wish they weren't with all my heart. I wish he hadn't seen us there last night.
But most of all I wish I hadn't been such an asshole. This was all of my doing; him sitting here, yelling at me, tears streaming down his cheeks. Preferably I would've just hugged him so tightly at that moment and given him an actual shoulder to cry on but I was frozen solid.

Before I could do or say anything, he abruptly jumped up and accidentally knocked down the chair that had been his only support for a while. He quickly ran past me before I could grab his arm or do anything.
He was already out the door before I could do anything about it but I knew that I had to do something.
Even though I had been running practically all day, there was nothing that could stop me from going into a sprint now. I couldn't and I wouldn't let him get away from me ever again. I had screwed up, I knew that and I needed to fix it. Soon.
I ran out screaming.
"Hoseok, please let me explain! It's not what you think!"
All these words meant nothing to him, he just kept running as fast as he could but I could see that he was getting tired and that he was slowing down.
This was my only chance. I did what I had to do; I threw him to the ground and did everything to keep him there. I had to explain.
"Get off me!! I don't want to hear your excuses!!
'Well you are going to listen to me god dammit!!' I thought and what followed was the only thing I could think of saying. It was now or never...

He stopped and looked at me. He wanted to say something but I suddenly felt all resistance from him weakened until there was no movement from him left.

I freaked out completely. I was in such panic and I didn't know what to do. I ran back inside the cafe and screaming at anyone who was there to call an ambulance. "NOW!!"
I ran back to where Hoseok was still lying on the ground, lifeless. I broke down to his side. My whole body was shaking and I could barely breathe. I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face and I didn't try.

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry, Hobi. Please don't leave me! Wake up, please! I can't live without you!! I will do anything to make it up to you, I promise. Give me a chance to explain. Don't go..."

No response came from him. I just lay there beside him, still crying but more quietly now. People were gathering around us, whispering, wondering what was going on.
After 10 minutes of just laying there, the ambulance finally arrived and I shot up, grabbing one of the nurses who stepped out of the vehicle by the collar of her scrub top;

"Save him. Please." Tears once again coming back up.
She checked his pulse and told me that he was still alive and breathing but that they had to take him to the hospital right away.
They lifted him up on the stretcher and carried him to the back of the ambulance.
He still wasn't moving.
I was about to get into the ambulance with them when the nurse told me that she couldn't let me go with them. She told me the name of the hospital where they would take him and the address.

I was left there to watch the ambulance drive away right in front of my eyes.

"What have I done?"

I picked up my phone and dialled Taehyung's phone number. I had to tell him what happened and that he had to pick me up and take me to the hospital where they had taken Hoseok.

"Jimin? Did you find him?" Tae's voice sounded really worried and scared even through the phone.
"Yes, I did, you need to get over here right now. They took him to the hospital..."

"WHAT?! Why? What happened? Is he okay??" He yelled at me and you could tell that he was totally panicking.
"No time to explain that now. You need to pick me up and take me there. They didn't let me go with the ambulance. I'm so sorry Tae. You need to help me. We need to help him..."
Within five minutes Tae was at the spot I told him to pick me up. He stepped out of his car and as he did, I ran up to him and sought the comfort of his embrace. I knew he was Hoseok's best friend but the both of us got along really well, too. After letting him go I hugged Jin, who was of course with him as well. He was one of my best friends just like Tae was to Hoseok.

"We should go and find him." Jin said and with that we got in the car and drove off in the direction of the hospital.

Well this just took a crazy turn hehe.
Tell me what you think ☺️

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