Music to my ears

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I had quietly been sitting in Hobi's room for a while now, my one hand still one his chest and the other holding his when the doctor entered the room again. It seemed like he didn't expect me to still be there and he said: "Excuse me young man, but visiting hours are over..."

I looked up at him with desperation on my face: "Can I please stay? I promised myself to never leave his side again..."

It was the same doctor who I had told the entire story earlier today, the one who I had poured out my heart to. And he understood. He gave me one simple nod and then he left the room again.

After a while I looked at my phone to see that Tae had sent me a message: "Take good care of him, Jimin. We'll visit again tomorrow."
Knowing that Tae and Jin were coming back tomorrow made me happy. I needed their support. But I was also happy that the doctor let me stay and that I could just be with Hoseok tonight.

I'd been in the hospital for hours now and it was getting late but I had no place to lay down.
I decided to just crawl in bed with Hoseok. I put my arm around his waist and rested my head on his chest. I could stay here forever, hearing him breathe and feeling his heart beating. "I love you Hoseok. So much..."
After that I fell asleep.

The next day Jin and Tae woke me up when they got back. It was already 11:30 when they came over and I had slept the entire time. I was glad they had come over again and they didn't mind me laying on the bed with Hobi. Nor did the doctor when he came in the room again. In fact he told me that it was good for me to lay with him.
"The warmth of your body and the rhythm of your heartbeat might be able to stimulate his body to recover faster." 

This was music to my ears and it made me never want to leave the bed again.

The nurses knew that I wasn't planning on leaving soon and I figured that either the doctor, Tae or Jin had told them what happened to Hoseok and why I was there, because they didn't even bother to ask me to leave again. In fact they even brought me food and something to drink.

They kept bringing me food every day I was there. Because I never left and they knew that I wasn't going to. I stayed right by Hobi's side, whispering to him, singing to him, begging him to wake up.

The only time I left his bedside was when I had to pee or when the doctors had to run some tests again to check up on the progress that Hoseok had made. Whenever  the doctors were running tests I would go for a walk in the nearby park to get some fresh air. Sometimes I went to get Hobi some gifts or pick up some stuff at our apartment. But I was never gone for longer than an hour.

I had to keep my promise. To myself, but also to Hoseok. I would stay with him until the end.

One day, after the nurses had ran the usual tests again, one of them told me that Hoseok was suddenly making progress faster now.
"I heard you singing to him, last night, mister Park. I think the sound of your voice is helping him. He might be able to wake up in a couple of weeks if not a couple of days..."  She had a really friendly smile on her face and I couldn't contain myself. Before I knew it I was hugging her. I was so happy to hear that I would be getting my Hobi back soon.

Tears started streaming down my face again but these weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of happiness. I hadn't been this happy in a long time... I called Tae and told him what the nurse had told me and within half an hour he was once again in the hospital.

When he entered the room I hugged him and Jin at the same time. I could see the happiness on both their faces and the atmosphere in the room was serene and peaceful now.

"I've been singing to him... The nurse told me that it's been helping him get better. He's getting better guys... He's finally getting better." I told Jin and Tae while looking at Hoseok's beautiful face. He truly was beautiful, the way he laid there under the white covers, his eyes closed, his lips slightly more pink as they had been when he was first brought here.

You could see that he was healing and I couldn't wait for him to wake up. I was now determined that I wouldn't leave his room until he woke up because I wanted to be here when he did. I was going to be here when he did.

I would tell him again how sorry I was and how much I loved him. I would hug him and explain properly what had happened and that that kiss with Jungkook wasn't what he thought it was.
I would tell him how he was the only one for me and that I would never leave him again.

Sorry for making these past chapters so depressing. Things are finally looking up for Jimin and Hoseok guys. Just wait a little while longer ☺️

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