Test results

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[Taehyung's POV]

After getting that phone call from Jimin, Jin and I drove to the park where Jimin would be waiting for us. We might've crossed a couple of red lights but honestly we couldn't care less if we got a speeding ticket. We just needed to pick Jimin up and get to the hospital as soon as possible.

I didn't quite realise what had happened or what was going to happen but it was slowly starting to hit me that my best friend was in the hospital. Jimin was telling us what happened and I could've cried but I didn't. I had to stay strong. For Hoseok.
But at this moment mostly for Jimin, who was rambling on and on, telling us every word the two of them had exchanged in the past hour. Every now and then his sentences were interrupted by him sobbing but we didn't mind. We understood how he was feeling.

After a while he quieted down but I could still hear him sobbing on the backseat of my car. I could feel a single tear roll down my cheek as I was thinking about what Jimin had told me: "I felt the life leave his body."

All types of horrible thoughts came up in my mind. What if this morning was the last time we spoke? Was it actually my fault that he didn't open the door to his apartment? Should I just have watched him actually open the door instead of closing the door right behind him when he had left our place? 
I had to lose those dreadful thoughts right away when I heard Jimin's breathing getting louder. We had reached the hospital.

We hadn't even stopped yet but Jimin was already out the car, running to the entrance of the hospital. Jin quickly parked the car and we both got out following Jimin inside.
He had asked the lady behind the desk where Hoseok's room was and and we heard her say "Room 421A on the fourth floor."
She had barely finished her sentence before Jimin went running again. We followed him to the elevators and once again he was nervously pacing around until he lost his patience again and ran to the staircases.

We decided to let him go and to not follow him. We'd let him be the first one to get to Hoseok and, if he was awake, Jimin could explain to him how he felt. We didn't need to be there when he did. That was something he had to do alone.

When we got to the fourth floor, we could see Jimin talking to a doctor. My heart sunk when I saw the look on the doctor's face and Jimin stumbling backwards. He had almost fallen over but Jin was there to break his fall and hold on to him as they both dropped to the floor.

"I assume you two are also friends of mister Jung's?" The doctor said, turning to me and Jin.

"Yes," I said, "what's going on? How is he?" I had no idea what to expect but I knew for sure that it wasn't anything good.

"We are keeping him in an artificial coma. He's stable for now but he's very weak and I don't know how long it'll take for him to wake up..." 
These words from the doctor were too much for me to handle and as I leaned back against the wall, tears started streaming down my face. I now dropped down to my knees next to Jimin and Jin and there we were, both me and Jimin sobbing on Jin's shoulders. Jin wasn't crying because he knew he had to be the one to keep us strong, as he was the eldest hyung.

"We are going to run some tests on mister Jung to try and find out what caused him to be in this condition." The doctor said and after that he disappeared and the three of us were left sitting there on the floor at the door of room 421A.

After a while the doctor came back to Hoseok's room, followed by a couple of nurses to run those test he spoke about earlier. We decided that we should go back to the waiting rooms until the tests were over and the doctor could tell us what was wrong with Hoseok.

Jimin was exhausted and he had eventually fallen asleep after he had been pacing around the waiting room nervously and I had told him to sit down. After all, he had been running around all day and I was getting worried that his body might shut down as well soon.
The doctor hadn't let us go into Hoseok's room which made us all feel even more awful than we already did. We wanted to see him, to hold his hand even though he wouldn't know we were there.

The doctor came back with the test results. He told us the following:
"We ran some blood tests and found out that that mister Jung has a high percentage of alcohol in his blood. This combined with an enormous adrenaline rush caused his heart to beat in an unusual rhythm and his body to shut down."

I could once again see the guilt on Jimin's face as he said "It's all my fault. He was drunk because of me and he did everything he could to run away from me as fast as he could...
But I was drunk too... And I had been running too... How come my body didn't shut down as well?"

Alright here we are again. Can't believe I've written 6 chapters about a single day. Who knows how many more I could write. 😉 hope you enjoy

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