A beautiful nightmare

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[Hoseok's POV]

I've been asleep for so long. I've tried to wake up but I'm locked away in a permanent slumber. I remember the moment before everything went dark. I remember how Jimin was holding me down. I remember the three words that I had always wanted to hear from him actually coming out of his mouth. "I love you." And then the lights went out.

I felt my body being pushed and pulled but no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes they stayed shut. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't do anything. All I could do was listen to the sounds around me. I couldn't recognise any voices but I could hear them. I could hear a boy yelling and then his voice being cut off by a car door being shut.
I was almost certain that that voice belonged to Jimin. And I didn't want that voice to leave me even though I had been running from it all day.

I could feel myself being lifted out of the car and being pushed into an elevator to go up. I still couldn't open my eyes to see what was going on.

Suddenly everything went quiet and it stayed that way for a long time. But then I heard that voice again. Jimin's voice. Whispering how sorry he was. There were others here too. Taehyung was there, and Jin. And I couldn't help but feel guilty towards Tae as his words popped up in my mind once again: "Remember how much you love him. Don't shut him out." I knew it was my own fault that I was in this mess. I should've listened to him because as always he knew the right thing to do and I did the wrong thing.

Suddenly I felt the warmth of someone's hand slipping in mine. And another hand making its way up my chest to where my heart was supposed to be. But that reminded me of how heartless I had been towards Jimin. I hadn't even given him the time to explain himself even though that was exactly what I had wanted him to do. Explain. Everything.

Minutes went on like this. With his one hand holding my hand and his other hand on my heart. At some point the door opened and I heard a voice but I couldn't make up what the voice was saying but I heard Jimin respond to it. He asked if he could please stay and what he said next made me feel even more guilty. "I promised myself to never leave his side again..." Now more than ever I wanted to be able to kiss him and wrap my arms around him and never let him go but I still couldn't move. I was stuck in this never ending beautiful nightmare.

A while after that person had left the room again I felt Jimin letting go of my hand and I slightly panicked. But then I felt him getting up on the bed with me and wrapping his arm around my waist and I wanted to stay there forever. Once again he spoke those perfect words: "I love you Hoseok, so much..." And now I knew for sure that I hadn't misheard him the first time. I wanted to say it back so bad because even though I had been so pissed at him I still loved him more than anything. More than life.

But life sounded like a great thing right now. Because I didn't feel alive. I felt like I might never wake up again.

Time passed, days, weeks and Jimin had started singing to me every night before he went to sleep. If angels existed he had to be one. His voice was so beautiful he had to be from a different world. A better one. One where there weren't idiots like me who were too scared to tell someone they love them. Where they wouldn't blame the one they love for their own mistakes.

Each day passed like the day before. Jimin was in the room most of the time. I could feel his presence and hear his breathing. I don't know how he does it but every day he found something new and adorable to say to me.
I had never heard the songs he sang to me before so I figured he had written them himself. And it made me love him even more. He was writing songs for me. Songs about love. Songs like any other but to me they were so much more. They meant everything to me because they came from him, straight from his heart.

And I knew now that I would never shut him out again. He was so much more than I deserved but that didn't matter to him. He had barely left my room in who knows how long. He was all I needed and apparently I was all he needed. He had whispered this to me a couple times and I just thought it was so adorable.

I was so in love with him and I hoped with all my heart that this dream would become a reality soon. That I could wake up and actually hold him and finally call him mine. I had forgiven him for everything because he had been so much better to me than anyone had ever been in these past weeks.
So much better than I deserved.

Okay so I'm really sorry but I can't seem to properly end this story I just keep writing insignificant things avoiding the end hehe ☺️
And Idk about all the medical stuff if it's not realistic, I'm not a doctor 😁

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