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I don't know how long I've been here. It could be weeks, it could be months. It's hard to keep track of time when you're not awake.
I'm not awake, but I'm not asleep either. I don't know what I am. Well, I'm an idiot that's for sure and I am in love with another idiot, I know that too.

I was feeling a lot better than when I first closed my eyes. It's because of him. All of it. I went into this shutdown because of him but now I'm getting so much better because of him. God, this kid, he's going to be the death of me. But first I need him to bring me back to life. And he will, I'm sure of it. If there's ever a time to wake up, it's right now. I feel more alive than ever. All I have to do is open my eyes.

I knew I had been attached to something. There were things on my arms and my chest. But these things were now getting removed and I could feel it. Now is the time for me to wake up again. It's time to finally see my Jimin again... Time to tell him that I have long forgiven him and that I never want him to leave me again.

[Jimin's POV]

The nurses were detaching all the machines and I could feel my heart beating fast and hard in my chest. Please let him wake up.
"This could take a couple of minutes. So don't panic if he doesn't wake up right away. Give him some time..."

I will give him all the time he needs doctor. Trust me. I've been waiting for months so what's a few more minutes.

As one of the nurses pulled off the last sticker that was on Hobi's chest the counting began.

1 minute... Everything's alright. Don't freak out. The doctor said it could take a few minutes.
2 minutes. Still fine. Everything is going to be just fine. Relax...
3 minutes. Any time now. Time to wake up Hobi.
I look up at Tae. There's a frown on his face. The doctor still looks relaxed and he sees the doubt and anxiety on my face so he says: "This is completely normal, give him some more time.." Ok but not too long...

And then something happens... The hand that I have been holding tightens its grip around my hand and I gasp for air.

"H-H-Hobi??" My heart is now beating in an unusually fast pace. His grip tightens more and then relaxes.

He slowly opens his eyes. "HOBI! You're awake!"
"Please calm down mister Park. He cannot have loud noises right now."
I lean in closer to his face and instead of yelling I'm now whispering to him. I haven't cried since the first day he was brought here but now that he's finally waking up I can't keep it in anymore and a single teardrop rolls down my cheek.

"Hobi... Can you hear me? Are you awake?"
He turns his face towards me and a faint smile appears on his face. "Jimin...?" His voice sounds really raspy and it's so sexy to me but it's not the time to think about how sexy he is right now.
"I-I'm here Hobi, it's okay, you're okay. I've missed you so so much." I say while running my hand through his silky brown hair. "I'm so sorry... For everything... I should never have kissed Jungkook. But it wasn't what you think, it-"
"It's okay, Jimin... Really. I heard everything you said to me, everything you sang to me... I'm the one who should apologise. I shouldn't have shut you out, Tae was right..." He sends a cute little smile Tae's way.
"I've already forgiven you. I know it wasn't what I first thought it was. You told me even though you didn't know I could hear it, I was listening. To everything..."

"Everything..? So you heard all the songs I wrote for you? All the times I told you how much I missed you? All the times I told you how sorry I was? All the times I said I would never leave your side again? All the times I said how much I lo-"

"I love you Jimin!" He cuts me off. "I love you so damn much Jimin. I had to be the first one to properly say it... I am so sorry for putting you through all of this. I should never have tried to run away from you. You are the only one I have ever loved. The only one I will ever be able to love. I will do anything for you. I will never turn my back on you again. I want to be with you forever. I want to grow old with you by my side. I love you so much Jimin!! I know I don't deserve you right now. You have been so much better to me than I deserve but I need you. A lot. And having you by my side all this time made me realise that. Finally. Will you please be mine?"

"I love you too Hoseok!! More than anything. More than life. I promised myself to never leave you again and I'm not going to. You're everything I need and I missed you so fucking much!! Of course I will be yours! Forever!!" Despite of what the doctor said I'm almost yelling now but I don't care. I finally have my Hobi back and I've never been so happy. I can finally hug him and kiss him. And that's exactly what I do. I kiss him, passionately. I press him close to me and I can finally feel him hugging me back. And my heart finally feels whole again. I can feel the warmth of his lips against mine and everything was finally perfect again.

And I knew it would stay this way...


Aahhh a happy ending after all. ☺️ hope you enjoyed this story.
Make sure to leave requests for the next one please. 😁 thank you so much for reading this ❤️❤️

Remember how much you love him (JiHope)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα