Mind and body are connected

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[Jimin's POV]

Why did this have to happen to Hoseok?
I never wanted any of this. I was going to tell him how much I love him and how I never want to be with anyone else. What if I never get the chance to do that now? What if his body gives up? What of he stops fighting?
I should never have gone to that party last night. I should never have kissed Jungkook.

Hoseok is dying and it's my fault...
These thoughts were crossing my mind after the doctor told me what was going on with Hoseok. I felt my knees get weak again as I stumbled back. I was about to hit the floor when someone caught me. I looked up and saw that it was Jin. He had always been there to catch me when I fell and he was here now.

The doctor explained to him and Tae what was going on with Hoseok and that they would test him for all kinds of things.

Jin, Tae and I went to the waiting room. I didn't know how long those tests would take but I was determined to stay awake until the doctor came back with the results even though I was exhausted. Both physically and mentally.

I was pacing around the waiting room when Tae grabbed my wrist.
"Sit down, Jimin. You need to rest. I know you don't want to close your eyes but you have to. There's nothing we can do right now but wait."

I didn't want to listen to him but I knew he was right. I also knew he wouldn't let go of my wrist until I sat down beside him. And so I did.
It was 5:35 pm by the time the doctor returned with the test results.
He told us it was the combination of too much alcohol and adrenaline that caused Hoseok to black out. I didn't understand.

"It's all my fault. He was drunk because of me and he did everything he could to run away from me as fast as he could...
But I was drunk too... And I had been running too... How come my body didn't shut down as well?" It came out before I knew it. I hadn't meant to actually say it.

"Is it possible that he was emotionally or mentally damaged?" The doctor asked.
I was confused and I think he could see it in the look on my face because he soon explained himself.

"The mind and the body are connected, you see? If he was mentally or emotionally broken it's possible that his body wasn't strong enough to fight the combination of the alcohol with the adrenaline..."

Once again I knew it was all my fault and I started telling the doctor all that had happened today and yesterday at the party. I didn't care that I didn't know the guy. I would tell him everything if that meant he could find a way to save Hobi.

We're doing everything we can..." He said while putting a hand on my shoulder. After that he told us that we could finally go into Hoseok's room and then he left.

We walked back to room 421A where Hoseok was still laying in the same spot as we had last seen him. With my hand already clutched around the door handle I was once again unable to move. I wanted to go inside but I couldn't find the courage to do so by myself.

I stood there for a few seconds until Tae gently placed his hand on mine.
"It's okay... We can go in together."
He wiped away the single teardrop that was rolling down my cheek. We slowly opened the door and the three of us entered the room.

There he was. Just peacefully laying in the hospital bed. It was a serene sight if you counted out the machines that were attached to him.
I grabbed a chair and placed it next to his bed at the height of his face.

"I'm so sorry, Hobi..."
I repeated this sentence for the hundredth time as I put his hand in mine. I promised myself I would never leave his side ever again. I would stay in the hospital until he woke up, even if it took him months, even if it took him years. I didn't care, I would stay, forever.

Jin and Tae also took their chairs and put them next to the bed.
We stayed there for hours. Not moving. Not saying a word. We didn't have to, we all felt the same and we all knew that there were no words that could make us feel better.

There were no words to heal our broken hearts.

Eventually Tae and Jin got up. "It's time for us to go home, Jimin..."

"You can go... I'm staying here tonight... With him..."

They expected me to say that and without saying anything else they left. And there I was. Once again alone in a room with Hoseok. I placed my hand on his chest, on the spot where I knew his heart was.

I could feel his heart beating and at that moment it was all I needed to feel. I had to know and feel that he was still alive... I had to know that he hadn't given up... I had to know that he hadn't left me...


Thank you so much to whoever is reading this ❤️
I will keep updating as much and as fast as possible. The story isn't over yet.
Stick around to find out what happens to Jimin and Hobi ☺️

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