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The hospital had become my second home. I had been there every day for the past two months. The nurses had brought an extra bed into Hoseok's room for me. I didn't really use it a lot though. Most nights I still cuddled up to Hoseok but I thought it was very considerate of them and I greatly appreciated it. By now I had learned most of their names and every now and then they joined me in Hobi's room so I wouldn't be alone. But I was never alone, I had Hobi, even though he couldn't respond to what I said I was happy to just be with him. Every night I would still sing to him and I had started keeping a journal so that when he woke up he could read everything that had happened when he was out.

Most people don't like hospitals but I think it's such a serene and peaceful place. Certainly on the fourth floor. People like Hobi laid there. And people like me visited. People got in and out every day. They stayed for a few hours, talking to their loved ones, whispering words of hope and sometimes words of sadness and then they left again, until the next day.
Jin and Tae still came over every two or three days to keep me company and fill me in on what life had been like outside the hospital.

One day it was just Jin who visited. He asked me if I wanted to go grab a cup of coffee in a nearby coffeehouse and I didn't really want to but he left me no choice. I gave Hoseok a quick kiss on his cheek and Jin and I left. The coffeehouse was really cosy and quiet and although I felt kinda guilty that I had left Hobi's side, I was glad to be there. Jin and I talked for a long time about all kinds of nothings and I was thankful for him. He took my mind off of things and I now noticed that that was exactly what I needed.

When we got back to Hobi's room I saw the doctor standing at Hobi's bedside and for a second I panicked. That panic swiftly turned into hope when I saw the smile on the doctor's face as he walked up to Jin and I.

"Good news gentlemen. Mister Jung's condition is finally completely stable. We think he has recovered enough for him to wake up from the coma."

"Oh my god!" My jaw dropped and my heart began to race. I had never felt so happy I didn't know what to do with myself so I just launched myself at the doctor, hugging him so tightly he accidentally let out a small grunt due to the lack of breath my 'attack' caused. He gently patted my back because he knew how relieved I felt. After letting him go I pulled Jin into a tight hug. "We're finally getting him back..." Another teardrop finding its way down my cheek.

After I released Jin I picked up my phone and called Tae to tell him the good news. His squeals were so high pitched it made my ears hurt but I didn't even care as I knew how he was feeling. 

I asked the doctor to wait until Tae had arrived before he would wake Hoseok up because even though I was dying to see him open his eyes, I needed Tae to be there when he did. Tae was the one who had been there for Hoseok when I should've been there and I was so thankful for him. He had to be there.

I was pacing around the hospital's lobby waiting for Tae to finally get there. When he did he ran up to me and put his arms around me and I could hear him quietly sobbing on my shoulder. "Thank you for staying with Hobi. Thank you for singing to him. Thank you for loving him. Never let him go. Please." He whispered in between sobs. " I won't. I promise."

With that we ran up the stairs to room 421A where Jin and the doctor stood waiting for us. Tae buried his face in Jin's chest and then we went inside. The doctor called out to the nurses who had become my friends in the past two months.

It's finally time...

The doctor came in followed by the three nurses. "When he wakes up he will feel a bit groggy and he will probably be really disoriented so I would like you all to stay really calm and try not to get too excited, okay? Are you guys ready?"

Ready as I'll ever be...

"Can I please hold his hand when you wake him up?"
"Of course..."

I was ready. For whatever was about to happen. I kept the idea that Hoseok might not have forgiven me in the back of my head. I knew it was still a possibility but I was going to fight for him. I had stuck with him for the past two months and no matter what was going to happen I was not about to give up on him.

The nurses were checking his heartbeat and blood pressure one last time before taking the stickers off his chest and the machine he was attached to that monitored his heart.

This is it.

Okay I guess I'll just write another chapter hehe ☺️

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