Chapter 36

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Dear Diary,

Last night was amazing.

Ty and I "mated."

Carter and everyone can tell and apparently I'm glowing.

I don't care though because it is just proof that he is mine and I am his.


"So the girls win," I declared.

We are currently sitting on the couch in the living room arguing over watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes or The Last Song.

"How? Carter and I both voted for this and you two voted for that it's a tie," Tyson replied.

"We are going to cry," I threatened while crossing m arms over my chest. Audrey glanced over at me and mimicked my body language.

"Are you kidding me?" Tyson groaned.

"Nope," I smirked and Audrey smirked at Carter, I've taught her well.

"How about if we watch Rise of the Planets of the Apes now, we can play night games tonight and then watch the Last Song before bed?" Tyson reasoned.

Audrey and I looked at each other. It was a fair trade and when Audrey shrugged her shoulders I took that as confirmation.

"Okay deal," I nodded.

"Yes boys win," Ty shouted.

I flicked my middle finger at him making him smirk.

"Whoa babe maybe later," he replied while chuckling. This made Carter burst out laughing and my cheeks flame red.

"TYSON DALTON," I shouted.

"Love you babe," he winked.


It is now dark out and we are about to play night games. Ty is finishing up a phone call in his office and then we are going to play.

Some of the other pack members are joining us as well.

There is going to be a bonfire and we are going to play games like "Ghost in the Grave Yard" which is just and intense version of hide and seek in the dark with way more running.

Ty came out looking a little conflicted but his face softened when he saw me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready," I nodded, but winced slightly at a pain in my stomach.

"Are you okay Ar?" he asked.

"Yeah I just have a stomach ache, I'm fine," I smiled.

"Alright let's go," he nodded while grinning down at me and grabbing my hand.

After an exciting round of Ghost in the Graveyard Tyson was the tagger. I ran off as fast as I could and hid behind a tree.

In all honesty I knew Ty would find me first and attack me.

He has been holding onto my hand all night and hiding with me. Somehow Carter managed to tag him though.

I felt to strong arms wrap around me making me laugh.

"Tyson you can't just sneak up on people," I scolded.

He grunted in response. I got a bad feeling all of the sudden. I didn't feel the sparks right now when we were touching and his arms didn't feel as strong of safe.

"Ty stop dragging me where are we going?" I asked.

"ARRABELLA," I heard called. It was Tyson.

"TY?" I screamed.

Dear Diary, I Have a MateWhere stories live. Discover now