Im Back

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 Please please please go read my other story! Its called MY PROTECTOR! PLEASSSSEEEEEE. Oh yeah and i didnt check for erros soooo happy reading

(Start of school)

I slapped the top of the alarm clock next to me bed my roommate set up. I hated this damn thing! I dont have a class until 10 and every morning it rings at six thirty. I threw a cup i had sittin by my bed at her head and she jumped up and rubbed her head.

"Thanks B" she mumbled and crawled out the bed. Zuri (zur-ree), my roomate, was from New York. She was a cramel color with hair that stopped just below her shoulders. She was taller than me, about 5'7 with brown eyes and a nice body. (Zoe Saldana{she so fine yall! whew!}) We where getting close but nobody could replace my baby Lola!



My alarm clock blarred from my phone telling me it was 8 o'clock. i rolled out of bed and grabbed my underwear and drug myself in the bathroom my roomate and i shared. I looked at myself and i looked like shit! My hair was everywhere and i had bags under my eyes. I was up all night studying and didnt get to sleep until four.  I drug myself into the shower and let the hot water wake me up. The only reason i was up early was because Anthony wanted to see me after his class. My class was in the same building so we had more than enough time. Plus i havent seen him in 3 days and i miss him. I drug myself out the shower and slid on my underwear. It was still warm out so i pulled on some shorts and a UA tee. 

I grabbed my books and walked out the door. I looked down at my phone that read 9:15. I should make it to the building in less than five mintues so i texted Anthony where i would be. I leaned up against the wall and started to play temple run. I love this game still even though nobody played it anymore.

i feel a pair of eyes on my so i look up to see a girl watching me. I crinkle my nose at her and rool my eyes. I hated when people stare at me. I glance up to find the same girl staring me down. Like damn what the fuck she want?

"May I help you?" I ploop my hand on my hips glancing her over.

"You can give me my man bitch!" I looked around and back at her. I know she aint trying me. I leaned back against the wall and texted Lola about how this girl was trying me. "I KNOW YOU HEARD ME!"

"Who you gettin loud with honey? You already look hoeish dont cause more attetion to yourself babes it aint cute!" I roll my eyes as people started to come out the building. I know Anthony better hurry up before this girl get her ass beat. I laugh inside my head and notice how i sound like Lola.

"Just watch your back and your man! HE WILL BE MINE BITCH!" She said getting in my face. I reached up to grab her hair but i was stopped by Anthony. 

"Hey wifey" He came inbetween us and kissed me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled aganist his lips and wrapped my arms around him neck.

"Hey baby" I whispered in his ear and said "Get ya groupie. She was mad disprespectful. Watch that one. I aint got time to beat a bitch ass. Got it...hubby?" He squeezed my hips and winked at me. He turned around to find ol girl screwing us.

"Damn bitch take a picture!" I roll my eyes and adjust my bag on my shoulder.

"Pey!" Anthony growled and looked at me. I pouted and looked at my feet.

"Got yo ass in CHECK!" Ol girl yelled making a check mark in the air.

"Bitch yo ass irrelevent drawing checks and shit so you can be certified!" A few laughs came from people around listening and Anthony.

"Ay ma on the real tho dont be disrespecting my girl! Where i come from that aint cute, classy, and it dont flow. That go for anybody else!" He yelled in the crowd of people that i didnt know gathered. Anthony was Mr.Popular around here and i was Mrs. Popular by default. GREAT! 

Moving Forward (Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ