Class Time

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I walked into my job on monday morning at seven. I breath in the smell of too clean but hey what can i say its a hospital.

"Hey Pey! How are you doing today?" I smiled down at Ginger, and office personel. She was a sweet highschool senior wanting to be a nurse. I knew she looked up to me which made me want to work harder for her. I was flattered when she told me I was her role model. We go out to lunch from time to time so i can tell me about me and like wise. She was an all around cool kid thats just wants to succed in life. Plus im just twenty there isnt a big gap taken she is sixteen and will be a fresh seventeen in January.

"Hey ginger. Im good how are you doll?" I watched her choclate skin turn red as she smiled.

"Oh im good good!" I gave her a look and she avoided my gaze. In the two months this little girl has become like my little sister i always wanted.  I knew when she was lying and this was one of those times.

"Hey on lunch we can talk okay? Just come to my station and get me." I watch her nod her head and i headed to sign in. I checked my schedule to see where i would be working. I looked over the list and frowned. This cant be right. I was supposed to go to a class today? 

I walked over to my manger and tapped her shoulder.

"Oh hi Peyton how are you today?!" She was a real sweet black lady. She had to be in her 50's. She had salt and pepper hair smooth mocha skin and thick lips like a deep south rooted woman. She was taller than me but i was just 5 foot even. 

"Um im good but my schedel says i should be in a classroom all week?" She took the clibboard form me and looked over it.

"Oh yes! I see! You go to the class and tell about how you made it through school and such! It wont be hard i mean youre basically getting paid to talk about yourself!" She giggled and i did too. "But you have an hour to get across campus so you should scurry along parking is nothing to play with baby girl!"

"Thanks Mrs. Ella! " I hugged her "Oh and is it okay if i take Ginger out ofr lunch?"

"Oh honey yes! That little girl looks up to you ya know? Youre doing good things Peyton! Keep it up!" She patted my shoulder and gave me a warm smile before walking away.

I put the clipboard back and made my way to my car.

"Hey Peyton where are you going?!" I heard Ginger call out. I turned on my heels and stopped at the welcome desk.

"Ill be back to pick you up i just have to go to a class right quick okay?" She grinned and nodded her head hard. I smiled and walked out to my car. I was supposed to be in the Science building room 305. I took a deep breath and made my way to the science building


I walked intot the science building and up the stairs to the third floor. I huffed when i got there and contuined on my search.

"311, 309, 307, 305! " I knocked on the door and it creeked open. I stepped in and looked around. A bunch of eyes turned to me and my face instatly turned red. I closed the door and went over to the stand in the middle of the classroom.

The teacher was a male i know that. He had his head down writting something. I walked over to him and tapped on his desk. He looked up and my eyes went huge.

"A-Anthony?!" He broke into a toothy grin and i couldnt help but smile back. Well look at that! Who would have known that i would be assigned my husband

he gave me a wink and turned to the class.

"Class this is Mrs. ?" He looked at me like he didnt know my name.

"Hernandez" i blushed and watched the class face.

"Thats your wife?!" One of the kids asked.

"Save youre questions to the end please!" He commanded making my insides tingle. "Now she will be here talking to you about college, taken you are all freshman. So please show her some respect." He smiled at me taking my things off my arm. his skin lightly touched mines sending fireworks through my body.

I looked over the class and noticed that they indeed look like freshman.

"Well everyone I am Peyton Cruz-Hernandez. Um I grew up in Atlanta Georgia and....You know what" I pulled up a chair and sat down "Look ima skip formalities. Ima keep it real. Im from the good part of ATL. No im not stuck up. I took mostly AP classes which of course were not easy at all. I aint hang with many, still dont. I graduated second highest of my class. Um. OH well it will do you some good to know what i do! Im an RN at UAB. I graduated from UA. I was there for two years. Im 20 years old. Im married. " I held up my hand and wiggled my fingers around." And thats about it really. So any questions?" Many hands went up. "Um ima start at the bottoma nd go up. So you " I pointed to a boy sitting in the very front. "State your name and whats your question."

"Jalen and what did you take AP classes in?" 

"Um there was AP Chemisty and Biology, AP Language and AP Lit., AP History and Government...oh AP Cal and AP Art."

"Alayanna and when did you meet your husband?" I blushed and looked at the floor. 

"Um... wait !" I giggled and covered my face. " Okay i meet him when i was yall wanna hear about him?" I heard a round of yes's and a grunt from Anthony.

"Well i went to my grandmothers house one day and i was walking, it was hella hot like july? So i had just came from the corner store to get some snacks. So i had to put my hair up because well I got alot of it and like i said it was hot. So I put my snacks down and when i got done i made a mistake and left him. So he brought em to me. And yall when i first saw him i was like why is this negro talking to me? Now ima admit he was fine as fuc- i mean he was fine but i aint wanna talk to me. So later on that day i meet him again through a friend and we swapped numbers and all so everything was gucci. So we was caking on the phone and all that other good stuff. Um..he's three years older than me. Um we went back to college together and my first year in college he proposed to me with this beautiful ass ring! I swear if you ask him i do everything with this ring!" I giggled and kept going.

"So um two years after i found out im pregnant and he loved it. Um after college we both got jobs." I started to walk over to Anthony who was sitting back in his chair. "I a nurse and hims a college professor." I sat in his lap and he hugged me.

"Gah damn man!" I heard a dude yell out and i giggled. 

"Man what?! She bad as fuck shit! I woulda cuff ha pregnant or not!" I gave a confused look to Anthony.

"He said you fine as hell and they would have made you they girlfriend." I nodded my head and pecked his lips. 

"Okay ima let Mr. Hernandez teach now and ill answer more questions later." I smiled at Anthony and he gave my a fuck you look. I laughed out loud and sat at his desk. I think i may like this, watching his sexy ass work. Yup nor thats a turn on.

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