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Ill probably have one more chapter in this book and ill be done. Ive been taking forever to upload because ive lost intrest. I kind of want to do one with the kinds but that wont be for a while.

Comment below on what you want my new book to be about and i may use your idea.


Four Months later

"Maaaa why does thus hurt so bad?!" I panted as she wiped away sweat.

"Awe baby it's gonna be over soon." She cooed. I cut my eyes over at her

"Is that what your mother told you?!" I snarled through clenched teeth.

"Lord where is your husband!" She exclaims and tries to take her hand out of my grasp.

"Oh hell no! You ain't leaving me with these two things coming outta me! "
As you could guess by now yes I'm giving birth. Im so ready to get these two children out of me! They move too much for me and I miss laying close to my husband.

"LORD!!!! I see why he don't want to come in here. Poor Anthony don't want to get life squeezed out of him" the doctor strolled in smiling, showing all his pearly whites. Why the fuck he so happy?!

"Hey there Mrs. Peyton ! How you feeling ?"

"GET THESE CHILDREN OUT OF ME! " he just laughs and checks how dilated I am.

"Well your wish is about to come true. Let me and your mom go get dressed and get your husband in here so we can get started." He strolls out briskly making me radiate with satisfaction. I know it sounds bad but I'm ready to see my babies. Ready to see who looks like who and who will attract to which parent and like wise. I'm ready to spoil my children to show them off to watch them grow and learn. To watch them defend each other and fight with each other. For my husband to be a dad and our parents to be grandparents. For this challenge I would love to hate and hate to love. I'm ready for it all.

I lay in bed ready to start as my husban holds my left hand and my mother on my right. The doctor sat in between my legs as the nurses surrounded him.

"I'm not sure I like this position " Anthony mumbles eyeing the doctor.

"Keep it up Anthony! Keep it up!" I urge him giving him a death squeeze. He mumbled something looking at me with that look that makes me think of the old Anthony. Usually i would shut up but this medicen is strong.

"Okay Peyton next contraction is in thirty seconds so push okay?" I nod ready to see who comes first. I feel the pain in my lower region and start to push. I squeezed whoever hand i was holding onto and pushed with all i had in me.

"Youre doing good Peyton. I can barely see the head." I breath In and out in quick breaths. "Twenty seconds!" I push hard feeling the babys head. 

"AHHHHHHH FUCK!" I scream squeezing Anthony's hand hard.

"Shit women!" He calls out as i feel the first baby get pulled out and cries. I lay back huffing and puffing .

"And the first one is a BOY! Congrats Mrs. Hernandes!" Anthony went over to sign the card and tell her the baby's name. "Well thats a first! Two pushes and out comes a baby!" I give a weak smile and get ready for my next set of pushes.

"Okay Peyton. Ready for baby number dos!" I nod my head and grab my two hands.

"Three. Two. One. PUSH!" I push and push and push over a wave of four contactions until i feel the pressure leave with the baby. I was so tired i just wanted to sleep. 

"Come on baby stay awake. They about to bring Brook and Hunt." I smile at the nick names he already gave to our kids. I sit up in bed and get my arms ready for the baby they where about to give me. They gave me Hunter. He was swattled in a blue blanket and blinking his eyes. He looked exactly like Anthony with my eyes and hair. I looked over at Anthony and my daughter. He looked down at her like she was a priceless jewel. I knew right then i had some competition but also a partner in crime. She was going to be a daddies girl and have him wrapped around his finger. He kissed her forhead and her little arms waved away. He had a face splitting grin on his face and kissed her fat cubby cheeks.

"Hey little man" I coo at him and he waves his hands around . He was too cute. "Youre gonna be mommas little man, huh? I cant wait till you start playing sports! Ima put you in everything i can think of! You'll be so good youll have to show ya pops how to do it!"

"IIght now Peyton! Dont make me give you a good whooping because you running your mouth!"

"Naw brother from another mother! Bet you wont be getting any after these six weeks up if you keep playing!" He started laughing and then turned serious.

"Bet i take that!"

"What are we taking?" My mother walked in along with my father, Rod, Zuri, and (to my surprise) Michela.

"Oh my gawd MiMi!" I squeal as she runs over and hugs me.

"Oh my gosh Pey i havent seen you in some years! I see youre doing well! Who whould have known that i would come into town the week you where giving birth?! To twins at that! Oh my gosh! They are so freaking cute!" She rambled on as i looked over at Zuri. I could see the jelousy run off of her. 

"Rod! Check it!" He looked at me then at Zuri and nodded his head. He was so into Brook Lyn that he wasnt even paying no attetion to his girl.

"So how are you MiMi?"

"Im good. Im working in New Jersey as an inter at a law firm. Im almost done with law school so Im too happy! Why didnt you tell me about the babies?"

"I uh.."I looked around the room at my family. "You know what ill tell you later. We got to catch up before you leave!"

"For sure! So im about to go harrass Anthony " She gives me a final smile and walks over to Anthony. Zuri comes over and looks down at Hunter.

"He looks so much like Anthony..Your frend probably said that too right?" Awe my bestfriend was jelly over an old friend.

"Actually, Zuri, she didnt. What to know why? Because shes not my best friend. She only best friends know it all and my best friend knows it all. She knew about it all and she was here with me through my whole pregnancy. And i will always love her for that." She beemed and hugged me until Hunter started making noises.

"Oh yeah he's gone take you from Ant for sure!" I laughed and told her to shut up before he hears her.

"Too late! Dont be gossiping around my boy! You gone turn him into a sissy!" Both of us smacked our lips and gave him a bitch what face. He was cutting up with his daughter in his hands.

"Talking kind of reckless for a new father. Im sure you dont want your kids to see you with a black eye and a busted lip." Zuri warns and everyone laughs. 

This was my family and i loved them so much.


"Anthony boy ima smack you!" Ants mother yells as she hits him upside the head. I burst out laughing as i put the twins in ther respected carseats. Yes i was finally going home after three days in here. I was tired of looking at the same four walls! I wanted to move freely and thats exactly what im going to do!

"Peyton baby i dont know why you married this fool! He aint no good" I laughed and slid my babies in her back seat.

"Alright now Peyton!" He warned and smacked me on my butt. I smacked my lips and looked at his sideways. "Keep it up lil girl. You keep forgetting who run this. BIG DADDY ANT DO!" He yelled causing bout of us to die laughing. 

"You stupid i swear!" I giggle and slide in the back with the babies as his mother and Ant slides in the front of the car. She wanted to take us home and help around the house only for a week after i got out the hospital. She missed the birth because she was in Cali on vacation and wanted to give back.

 "Peyton you need to put your feet up when we get home." I pouted and looked at her.

"But ma!! I just got out! Can i at least fix a light dinner?!" I give hewr the best puppy dog face i usually use on Anthony when he wont buy me something or do something my way and she says yes.

"YAY!" i do a little dance and my babies start making noises and kicking. I giggle and kiss both on their forhead. Im going to enjoy mother hood i swear!

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