Solitary Night

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I stood glancing out of the window, watching the sun make it's way below the horizon. The scarlet red sky surrounding the sun was glowing vibrantly for now, but it would eventually be swallowed by darkness when night fell. The sight was mesmerizing in it's own way, with it's own unique blend of both dark and light colors. The colors opposed each other, just as rivals would... Rivals?

A navy blue casted over the sun's orange and red tones, fighting to take the center stage. The hues from the remaining daylight hours danced and swirled, teasing the darker blue wisps that were threatening to cover them. It definitely could be considered a masterpiece. Instead, I couldn't help but find myself focus on the red color in the sky... I felt a lump in my throat and was left with a heavy heart.

Yes, it could be considered beautiful, but to me, it's just a bad memory.

"That color..." I muttered quietly, realizing what it reminded me of. Why do I still think about her? She's gone now. I sigh, looking into sunset.

I mean, it's not like we got along that well. Did we? I go down memory lane for awhile, thinking about the time we've spent together. I smile bitterly, remembering all the times I teased her, the times we collaborated rather than being rivals, and our fights.

It's not like we hated each other... Did we? I pace around the length of the window, wondering how it would have been, how she felt, and if she even thinks of me anymore. I mean, not that I care if she does... I'm just curious is all. I know inside that we had good times, sure, I got on her nerves but... We were friends? I know inside she couldn't actually hate me, at least... She didn't even hate her insane brother. I know inside I've helped her out before.

Hell, I even saved that woman. Woman? She's more of a child... But that day... She left a woman.

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