You Only Miss it When it's Gone Pt. 2

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Part 2-
(AN: School is finally over for the summer! I'll be able to update more frequently now :( and it sucks I was inactive at first. Remember to give suggestions, they are always appreciated!)


Man, I was so stupid back then. Why did I keep bothering her? I just felt this need to get her attention, and she got upset at me.


For the next few days, those words have been burned in the back of my head. "Y-yes I do have a b-boyfriend!"
I paced around the room, with the question blocking out any thought that came to mind. Does she actually have a boyfriend? I couldn't ignore it, and the question lingered with everything I did. On patrol, I was lost in thought; Who could it be? When did this happen? Is she just making it up?
I sigh, calling it a day. I lay on the tatami mat for who knew how long, troubled by what she said. The sun was setting, the sky a darkened red, it was dusk.
I wasn't sure how many hours had past, but I eventually fell asleep.


I was busy getting dressed, but I wasn't quite sure why. Alone in my room, there was already a suit laid out for me and I put it on. There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Kondo comes in crying, he was a mess, snot and all. He too, was in a suit and he seemed to have tears of joy. He wraps his arms around me, his crying seeming to never end.
"This day came by so fast, I'm so happy to have been invited. Don't you wonder how she'll look, Sougo?" Where are we going, looking like this? Unsure of how to reply, I nod. Kondo seemed to finally get himself together. He starts fixing himself up in the mirror and I follow his example. I look older. "Otae-San will be there, right? How do I look?"
"Like a gorilla, as always." I murmur. Kondo smiles to himself for a second, but suddenly realizes.
"Wait what?" I smirk and begin to exit the room.
"I said you look fine."

I walk out and see the Yorozuya- minus Kagura- and Hijikata, who were all in suits. Gintoki and Hijikata were both in the middle of a heated argument. "We better hurry so we get there in time for the wedding!" Shinpachi shouts at me and Kondo-San, and he glances at the two hotheads, both still arguing. Wedding, hm? Where's Kagura?  Kondo finally walks out of the room with a joyful expression on his face. Who's getting married? I wondered and looked around. It's not Kondo, and he wondered if Tae would be there, so she's not getting married either. I looked at Hijikata. No way. To the right of him was Gintoki. Danna? Just as I looked at him, he began picking his nose. Nope. Shinpa- No, that's not possible. But... If Kagura isn't here... No, she can't be getting married. I shook my head, that can't be happening.
Kondo walks past me and looks at my face, seeing the troubled expression I had. "Ah. I know what this is about. I remember years ago how you used to act around that China girl. I could tell you like her. But today is her big day, so be there for her."
"Okay, I will." She is getting married? But... With who? As we all piled into the car and began to head into the wedding, I grew more and more anxious, and I wasn't sure if the thought of her marrying me or someone else terrified me more.

Eventually, reality hit Gintoki and he began crying. "My daughter is getting married." He cries in Shinpachi's ear, who sheds a tear but at the same time is annoyed at Gintoki. Gintoki puts his arm around Shinpachi, "We should be proud parents, but I just can't believe our little girl is growing up!" He sobs and ignores Shinpachi, who does his job as the straight man and denies being the mother. The thoughts going on in my mind drowned out the conversations in the car after that. I could actually be marrying her. Could this mean it's destiny? Or is it just something I want? I shake my head. No... I don't want that. I don't want to marry that girl, the girl who acts like a boy, fights like a monster, who always smells like sukonbu... Who is always smiling brightly, has eyes a blue deeper than the ocean, and a bigger heart than anyone I've ever met. I stared out of the car window for the remainder of the ride.

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