A Past Promise

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(AN: Well, this was supposed to be posted on Kagura's birthday (November 3rd), but as you can probably tell from my infrequent updates, I suck at deadlines. Shh~ just pretend it's on time, and I hope you enjoy!)

I lay in a heap among the items sprawled along the floor. Barely moving like a lifeless potato, I pick up a distinct, very ornate key. It was silver and had blue and clear gem designs all along it in a pattern. I had given her a locket that matched it. The edges of my mouth quivered, downturned at the realization that if the time comes I could open the locket, it probably wouldn't matter anymore. Would she still accept it even after all of this time?


I delicately tie the bow as a finishing touch on the present. Hearing the impatient rap at the door, I hurriedly stuffed the slender box in my jacket pocket. "Sougo, you done yet?"
"Yeah," I get up and mutter, "Hijibaka." As I walk out of the room, I could feel the cold glare of death upon my back.

Kagura was waiting out in the front and when we made eye contact she exuberantly waved. "I'm glad you guys could make it!" She exclaims while we make our way inside. Hijibaka and Kondo briefly smile at her, each taking a seat at the table. After everyone exchanged awkward glances, they began reaching for different things. Most of them poured themselves a drink. Tsukuyo was already wasted after seconds. She has this devious smile while looking at Gintoki.
"Tee-hee~! Hic! Gin-saaaan..." she grabs at his sleeve and he in turn has a look of horror on his face. She drags him to another room. I'm so sorry, Danna.

Everyone sat at the table awkwardly, making idle conversation and ignoring the screams of (two?) women in Gintoki's room.  "H-how about we go outside for awhile?" Shinpachi interrupts the silence around the table. Everyone agreed and made it out as fast as possible.
Our footprints obstructed the perfect powdery snow layer on the ground. "Otae-San!" Kondo yelled to get her attention and when she turned to face him, he tossed a snowball at her. It hit her side and bursted on impact. He chuckles at her and she just calmly smiles. A few moments later, she lifts a snowball- which is actually more of a huge snowball- and heaves it at his head. He collapses and laughs, trying to play it off like nothing.
"Ha... nice one Otae-San... but I think there might have been a little ice in that one." He giggles again, but he's not fooling anyone, the snow surrounding him was red.
I bend down to pick up some snow and sense something flying in my direction. I move left an inch and see the snowball hit the ground. "Nice try, China." I turn and send one back at her in one smooth movement, but she dodges it easily. The battle began.

I hid, waiting for the perfect time to strike. We had been at it for awhile, neither of us hit yet by a snowball. I peered at her, she was sitting on the ground unaware I was that close to her. Her entire face was a little pink, we were both tired and it was starting to become cold. As undetectable as I could, I walk around behind Kagura. I bend down to whisper in her ear "I win." I put the snowball on her head. She turns to face me in surprise and pouts in realization of what just happened.
I can't help but laugh at the expression she pulled, and hearing me laugh she turns redder. "Come on, it's getting cold." I sigh and hold my hand out to her.

When everyone returned inside, we learned that both Sarutobi and Tsukuyo were in Gintoki's room and they were fighting over him. Gintoki buried his face in his hands. He's had a rough evening. The room was full of laughter and warmth, there was no awkward stillness anymore. Kagura ended up eating the entire birthday cake to herself, but no one expected less from her. Tae clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention.
"I think it's time we began giving our gifts to Kagura," she then turned to me, "and I think we all know that she'd like to receive one from you the most." Everyone in the room turned, looking at me, expectantly.
"A-anego! That's not true..." Kagura frantically tries to waver whatever thoughts came to anyone's mind from Tae's comment. She then looks to me, just as curious as each pair of eyes on me. I thrust my hands into my pockets and look down to avoid eye contact with anyone. I feel the box I had put in one of the earlier, feeling uneasy. I wanted to give this to her alone. It was really strange to be put on the spot like that.
"I um..." My cheeks burning, I fidget around a little. "I guess I forgot." The room remains silent until Kagura breaks the silence.
"Oh, that's fine," Kagura smiles at me reassuringly, "I wasn't expecting that you would get me anything, anyway." Feeling guilty, I smile back at her sheepishly. Sorry for doing that to you in front of everyone... I just can't do it.
Going around the table, Kagura received her gifts from everyone else.
Her gifts seemed to not be for her, but they seemed to be presents the giver would like to get. She got Jump from Gintoki, Otsuu CDs from Shinpachi, bondage... from Sarutobi, a year supply of Bargain Dash from Tae, a yukata, which was quite ornate but way too over the top from Soyo, who surely overthought what to get Kagura, and two tickets for a live performance at a theatre from Kondo and Hijikata, who surprisingly gave the most normal gift. "We knew that idiot would mess up, so we got these as a backup, and it was a good thing we did. You two have fun with these." Hijikata whispered to her. That idiot thought I couldn't hear him, but I did. The entirety of the gift giving, I clutched the box in my hand, knowing I could give it to her at any time. I watched anxiously, sitting there with a calm look plastered on my face, but I could tell Kagura was more than just disappointed. But she hid it like usual, being the same vibrant Kagura she has always been. I wanted to give it to her, hug her, confess everything to her all at once, but I couldn't.

The party was ending and people were trickling out slowly. Soyo and Tsukuyo were the first ones to leave. Sarutobi "left" next, and Hijikata dragged a drunk Kondo back home. Tae and Shinpachi said their goodbyes to Kagura and Gintoki. I sat in the midst of it all, unsure of what to do. I noticed Gintoki staring at me, and his eyes quickly flickered to Kagura. He then stretches and begins to walk. "Okay, well I'm going to go drink." Without waiting for a response from either of us, he's already gone within a second. It's just me and Kagura.
We make eye contact and then look away. "We had sake here, so there wouldn't be any reason for him to have to leave to drink." She says, looking at the bottle.
"Kondo drank most of it." I try to reason with her.
"I know what he's doing. No need to hide it." She shakes her head, then looks at me. "So how are you going to redeem yourself, then?"
"Well... I did have a gift, and," I close the distance between us and finally place the box in her hand. "I've been waiting all of this time to give it to you."
"Wait, so you had a gift this whole time? Why did you lie?" She trails off, looking down.
"Is it selfish of me to say I wanted this just between us?" I put my hand on her cheek and tilt her face towards me. "I want you to open it."
"Now?" When I nod, she slowly pulls the bow off and undoes the wrapping. She opens the box and her eyes light up. She pulls out a silver locket decorated with blue detailing and gems. After examining it, she tries to pry it open. "What's in it?"
"I'm not telling." I shrug and smile at her.
"Why not?"
"I'm not ready."
"You're not ready... to tell me what's inside?" She narrows her eyes at me.
"Not yet." I shake my head. "It's important to me. But when the time comes, I want us to open it together." From under my clothes, I reveal a matching key that I hung on a chain around my neck. She lets me put her necklace on for her. "Can you promise me something?"
"Wear this around your neck until I'm ready to open it."
"I promise." She smiles brightly and fiddles with it around her neck.
"Do you like it?"
"Of course I do, it's really pretty! Thanks so much, Sadist." She wraps her arms around me, and I return the gesture. "I don't know what's in here, but I can't wait to find out. I know I'll be leaving soon but, no matter how much time it takes for you to 'be ready', I'll wait for you."

China... I know you said you would but... Are you still waiting for me? Or has someone beat me in the race? Do you even remember this promise? Because... I do.

When Dusk HitsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora