Spicy Crackers and Chocolates

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(AN: Well, I apologize for not updating for so long. I hope to be getting to a more regular schedule with posting updates. I've just been occupied with school, PSATs T-T, and a competition. And this was totally planned for Valentine's Day, but a lot happened. I didn't even start writing until a few days ago. But once school ends, you can count on my to update at least every two weeks! I'll try.)

I open a drawer behind my bed and scatter the items across the floor. As I scan the items, my eyes were drawn to a vermillion colored box, bag, and wrapping. As I look at pictures of our beetle fighting, the snow trip with the shogun, when Kagura was a host, our fights, etc... A memory flooded back and hit harder than ever before.

"I... I baked cookies especially for you. I hope you enjoy them." A blushing, brown haired girl at the doorstep said while handing me a red package with a pink bow tied on it.
"O-Okita-San!" interrupted another girl, "Please accept the chocolate I got you!" She shoved a heart shaped box in my hands and the two ran off.
"Tch. How many more are going to show up today?" Hijibaka said as I closed the door. I shrug as I toss both boxes into a pile with the others I've received today.
"I can't help that I have many masochistic fangirls. What? Are you jealous?" I smirk.
"No, I don't care about any of that stuff." Hijikata got up abruptly. I hit a nerve. "By the way, that China girl stopped by earlier."
"What was she here for?" Finally admitting your feelings, China?
Hijikata shrugs, "Well she came with the Glasses wearing a human and when they left they had a ton of chocolate and Kondo-san was crying." What would she need the chocolate for?
"Oh really?" I smile in my usual sadistic nature. Looks like I'll be paying her a visit.

After checking myself in the mirror, fixing my hair, and straightening up my uniform, I walked outside to investigate.

I arrived at the park, eager to pull an orange strand of hair or two. But as I walked around looking for her, there was no China girl in sight. I would have noticed her by now. I look around some more and see her... Someone sitting on the bench as she usually does. I go up and pull the hair and in an instant I'm filled with regret. The head that turned to look at me was not Kagura's.

I awkwardly had long eye contact with a man with long reddish locks. He doesn't even look remotely like her- what was I thinking? The man gets up and he towers over me, trying his best to look intimidating. I almost smirk at how pathetic he is, but I remain calm. I grab the hilt of my katana, Kiku-Ichimonji RX-78, briefly, but I then let go. Unfortunately, my job as a police officer comes first. What a drag.

"Eiji-Chan, did you meet a new friend? I hope you're being polite." A brown haired girl, who had a sense of familiarity to her, touched the vermillion-haired guy's shoulder and smiled sweetly. The "man" who may have turned out to be a teenager afterall blushed and his expression softened.
"A-aneue, uh..." He glances at me quickly, "Yes."

And well... I ended up spending some time with these siblings. I should be looking for Kagura!
"So Eiji-Chan, how did you and..." She looks at me and smiles, "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."
"Okita Sougo."
"Hm... Is it alright if I called you Sou-Chan"? I could feel my heart being ripped in two. I sinply nod and zone out of the conversation the brother and sister are having. The girl takes out a bag of spicy crackers, and it's like another piece of me is being pulled apart again. She is too much like Aneue. My cheeks were warm and my vision was blurring by the minute. "Oh... Sou-Chan, are you alright?"
"Huh?" I touched my face, confused, and my fingers got wet. When did I start crying? "I-it was nice meeting you. I've got to go." Eiji and his sister looked at me, worried. I can't stand it. I started walking off, and talk about bad timing, I finally found Kagura.

"Oi, Sadist!" Kagura ran over to me, with her ridiculously, gigantic dog bounding over. In the middle of me completely breaking down, she just had to experience it first hand. I thought I was in total control of my emotions, until now. "As a policeman you can't be going around scaring everyone with your hideous crying face." This is where I'd give her a witty remark, an insult back, where I'd throw a punch, or swing my katana. Instead, I just stood there, people surrounding me, the Shinsengumi 1st Division Captian was crying.
Maybe she read my mind, maybe I had an expression written all over my face saying "Please get me out of this situation.", whatever it was, Kagura read me perfectly. She grabbed my hand, and grasped it tightly, and we ran.

We leaned against Sadaharu's back and laid there awhile. Kagura still held my hand. I needed to break the silence, I mean, Okita Sougo... Crying? I needed to say something. Before a "China" or "Thanks" could escape my mouth, Kagura says, "No need to thank me."
I smirk a little. Sadist mode: On. "Not like I was going to, anyway." She smiles. "You must be so pleased with yourself, China. You hurt a police officer's feelings, I'm gonna have to arrest you for that."
"Arrest yourself for disturbing the public, tax robber." Touché. I sigh a little, relaxed knowing that Kagura might actually understand me.
"Well, I did get some hilarious pictures out of it." Kagura pulls out her phone and shows me, flipping through tons of pictures. How many did she take? I quickly grab her phone and break it.
"Oops, my hand slipped." I stick out my tongue and grin at her. She makes a face at me. "Ugh, I didn't know you could make your face any uglier, but you never cease to amaze me."
Kagura punches me in the arm. Hard. "Oops, my hand slipped." She says, mockingly. She really has gotten stronger.
We grin at each other for a few moments, and I prepared for an all out battle. Kagura's hand grabs my arm, and I'm ready to react, but she then pulls me close to her and hugs me tightly. "Sou-... Sadist. I'm actually really sorry." She buries her face in my shoulder, and my eyes well up with tears again. Kagura gets up abruptly after a small bitter-sweet moment. "Well, this isn't how I wanted it to go." Out of nowhere, she gives me this bright vermillion packaging.
"What?" I take the neatly wrapped package, and start to open it.
"D-don't take this the wrong way or anything! Happy Valentine's day!" Kagura runs off and Sadaharu follows her. I look inside to see a card, homemade chocolates, pictures, and an opened package of sukonbu that's only half-full.
The card says: "Dear (Sougo crossed out) Sadist, Since you had so many fangirls give you chocolate today, what can hurt in more chocolate? And I will get you to love sukonbu one day." Gross, China. "Consider this a thank you from the Queen of the Kabuki District herself." I will never call you that. "I actually really... (like crossed out) appreciate what you've done for me. When I get back from alien hunting with Baldy, let's fight! And don't die before then, only I can kill you. (Love crossed out) From, Kagura." Clutching everything close to me, I go back to the Shinsengumi Headquarters.

When Dusk HitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora