Something New

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(AN: Okay okay... it's definitely far from any new year so- I'm really late I know. I was hoping I could at least get this up for Lunar New Year to still be relevant but, well it's somehow March now. I'm sooo sorry I've been so busy! How's your 2017 going? I have the SAT coming up T-T wish me luck! I'm grateful to all of you still reading considering my terrible updating frequency, enjoy this chapter! :))

It's officially night. Why have I been laying here thinking about her for hours? I'm so pathetic. I know, I should be this cold, sadistic badass of a character but... That's just a persona. I have all these girls chasing after me and yet... she's the one. I mean, we kind of had a "thing" for a short while after a weird New Years night a few years ago, but it should mean nothing now.
I pick up the pendant I eyed moments ago. My eyes trace back to all the memory filled items I had thought about earlier. I should really clear out some of this stuff but, this is pretty special. And this is too... and I can't just get rid of this.


Eh? Am I a hoarder?


It's New Year's Eve and I'm hanging around alone today. I can hear the fireworks going off outside, but everything is relatively calm in my room. I could have spent this time with people, but I think I'd rather it be this way. Besides, it's not like she asked. I fold my hands behind my head, here's to another lousy year.

"Okita-Sama!!!" A girl with deep red hair bows in front of me, "please spend some time with us for New Years Eve!" Two girls a little behind her looked at me pleadingly and nod. They all have a slight tint of pink in their faces and each have a serious look. The one in the front clutches my hand and looks at me in the eye. "We'll be fun, we promise." She continues to try to persuade me.
"I'm sorry, but I think I'll have plans tonight." I drop her hand but smile at them all. They all look disappointed, but shortly after one of them points behind me.
"You! You'll be spending New Years Eve with us, won't you?" They all begin the chase after the unwilling Hijikata.

I lounged around all day anticipating an alert from my phone. The phone dings. I hurriedly try to pick up my phone and fumble around for it and turn the screen on. Oh... it's just for a game. Setting my phone down, I sigh and go back to what I had been previously. Nothing. Damn. What was all that preparing for?

I hear the beep of my phone once more. It's probably just a fangirl.
I decide not to check and stare at the ceiling. I can just see what it is later anyway.
I twiddle my thumbs. The notification will still be there. It's fine.
I try to plan my meals for tomorrow. I don't need to see what it is right now.
I think about new ways to kill Hijibaka. It's probably not even from her.
I close my eyes and try to nap.
She's probably spending it with Danna and Glasses... She doesn't need me.
I clench my eyes shut tighter.
Stop thinking about her...
I remain completely still.

I reached for my phone faster than I ever have in my life. I pull the notification bar down and... She actually texted me. My hand lets go of my phone in shock and it hits my face.
"Oi Sadist, open the door I'm outside"
Why are you here? Why didn't you let me know beforehand you were coming?
I see her typing and anticipate the next message.
"I know you read that and I know you're inside. Open uuuuup >.<"
Nearly tripping on the way, I sprinted to the door to keep her from waiting longer. I reach for the doorknob and swing it open, nearly losing my balance. "What are you doing here?" I try to say as nonchalantly as possible.
"Well Gin-Chan is getting drunk somewhere and Shinpachi is probably risking his life at Anego's place eating her fried eggs. So I came here, it's not like you're doing anything."
"No, not really." I let her in, blushing at the fact she chose me out of all people to go to. Kagura walks around inspecting the place.
"Hmm... you don't really have many decorations up." I shake my head.
"The Shinsengumi isn't really festive."
"What is this?" She stops right at my room, pointing at the pine at both sides of the door.
"It's a kadomatsu. Aneue really loved decorating for New Years, but now... Well I just wanted to keep the tradition running, no matter how small the contribution."
"Oh well," Kagura turns to me, a gleam in her eye, "let me help!"
"Sure." I smirk and laugh a little at how excited she got. We spent the rest of the day furnishing the building with a mix of Japanese and Chinese decorations. I listened to her enthuse about the things her mom taught her. I glance at her for a moment and see her face the most sincere and lit up I've ever seen. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you were always this cute, Kagura.

"Done!" Kagura triumphantly puts her hands at her sides and looks around, satisfied. We high five with both hands and smile at each other for a brief moment. I can feel my face start to burn so I look away, hesitant about how I should change the subject.
"Take it." I reach into my pocket and give her an envelope.
"The character on it is so cute. Oh, I have one for you too!" She grabs it and hands me an embellished red envelope.
"Why are you giving me one? I'm not a child and I'm older than you."
"Well you act like one so you rightfully deserve it, to me." She sticks out her tongue at me. I grit my teeth.
"Please. I don't want to hear that   coming from a child like you." She rolls her eyes and I flip her off.

We were having a great time and talked and ate mochi up until the bells began to toll. I'm so glad I blew off all the other girls for this. I smile at her gentle expression. Those girls are always so boring and all they do is gush over how I look. But with Kagura...

I glance at her again, cheeks rouging at the sight of her.

She's different.

I hear another bell toll, we're nearing the new year. "Kagura..." she looks up at me, "I'm glad you'll be the last thing I see this year and the first I see in the next."
With that I kiss her.
The bell is rung the 107th time.
Then the 108th.

I try to pull away but I feel Kagura move forwards against me. When we finally pull apart, I see Kagura is madly blushing and avoiding eye contact. I smile and laugh. "Happy New Year."

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