This World is Yours

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(AN: Haha, see what I did there with the title and setting? No? Someone has to get it. Sorry for being so slow at updating :p and thank you for reading!)

Next to the postcards from Kagura, lying on the floor were a few photobooth pictures. A couple of the pictures were just of me and Kagura, both stretching out the other's face. I looked at the picture above those and it just didn't seem to fit in with them. In it, I stood there with a shocked expression, my mouth hanging open and a face so red that it's color was akin to an apple. To the right of me, Kagura was covering her mouth and laughing. What happened before this picture? And... I could've sworn we took more pictures.
The rest of the pictures included more people. With each photo came a new addition to the amount of people in the booth, and so did the lack of space. It started off with Gintoki coming through the entrance holding up a pair of glasses, shortly followed by Sarutobi - who somehow got in through the roof. Tae and Kyubeii were next and Kondo came in the next picture, to then not be there in the one after that. I looked from picture to picture and more people ended up in the pictures with each second... More and more and more. The photobooth was getting crowded... How many people wanted to be in these damn pictures? In the last two pictures, Kagura was backed up to a wall and my arms were on either side of her. I blushed an indecent pink. The last picture- what the hell? My face was scrunched up and close to the camera. Looking closer, my nose was bleeding and Kagura and Gintoki were in the background with fists extended.


Everyone dispersed amongst the beach to do as they pleased. I look around the vast area and dig my feet into the warm sand. There was a slight breeze. The air had a fresh, salty smell to it and both the sky and ocean were crystal clear. "We should've planned this sooner!" Kagura exclaims, arms outstretched as she ran through the sand. With a smile sneaking to my face, I walk behind her as she happily skipped. I looked back at everyone else, and they were enjoying themselves. Shinpachi looked back and forth at a concert and Gintoki with eager eyes, Gintoki just nodded and mumbled a response. He didn't bother to look up from his Jump manga, but Shinpachi ran off  excitedly towards Otsuu, and he miraculously had already changed into his Otsuu Fan-Club leader outfit.
After going quite a distance, she plants herself on a rock and I hesitantly sat beside her. She looked around contentedly, her hands on her knees. The wind blew through her rarely let down hair and her light pink dress that nearly matched her complexion. Her face had a soft expression, contrasting from her aggressiveness she has when I tease her. These moments, when she looks like this, are my favorite. Her eyes were also similar in this way. They were as vibrant as ever and still continues to shock me to this day. "I know that I, Queen Kagura of the Kabuki District, am beautiful, but seriously Sadist you don't have to stare." Those words broke me from whatever daze I was in.
"No way China, who would ever want to even glance at you?" My face was flushed. For no apparent reason, it's always been difficult to keep my composure around her. She's always made me... Nervous. I was always on edge about trying not to slip up, which admittedly I have done a lot. But I don't get it. Why do I care about messing up in front of her?
"Well," Kagura says, pushing her hair behind her ear and eyeing me daringly, "who was the one just now staring at me?"
"I was just in awe of your looks." I say leaning back against a rock with my hands behind my head. Did I just say that? I take a glimpse at Kagura and I notice her face is nearly the same color as her hair. "Well, in awe of just how ugly people can get." Kagura looked at me, disbelieving. She leaps off the rock and swiftly turns to look at me expectantly.
"Want to build a sand castle?"
"Isn't that a bit childish, China?" I say, raising my eyebrows.
"That's weird coming from you. You're the most childish person I've ever seen." Kagura says grinning, and holds her hand out to me. I get off the rock and clasp my hand with hers.
"Try looking in the mirror, then." We stand idly for a few moments, challenging one another in silence. I realized we were still holding hands. Was I suppose to let go earlier? My gaze fixated on our hands. Her hand was soft and tiny. I couldn't help but only focus on our hands, if Kagura was speaking at that moment I wouldn't have noticed. Kagura followed my eyes to see what I was looking at and turned a bright pink.
"I-I know a good spot!" Without releasing my hand, she runs and pulls me along with her.

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