Chapter 36

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Tessla growled at Jim. She growled at her alpha. She stepped in front of him, covering Cylinda with her back.

Jim looked shocked, and angry. "Get. Out. My. Way!" He growled at her. Tessla was shaking her head. I have no clue why she just did that. Does she want to get locked in a cell?

"I am your alpha, you need to obey me!" He growled and glared at Tessla. Tessla was scared, her heart was beating a little bit faster than normal, but she stayed calm.

"I am just protecting my Luna." Tessla said and let out a shaky breath. Then she took a quick looka at me, before looking back at her alpha.

"Protecting her of what?" The alpha asked, he wanted to be with his mate. Unfortunately, he is stupid and doesn't get that Cylinda is hyperventilating behind Tessla.

"Something that scares the shit out of her right now." Tessla said coldly and glared at Jim before adding a word, "No, excuse me. Someone." She corrected herself and glared at her alpha.

"Who?" He asked. Oh god, how stupid can you be?

"You." I said coldly from his behind.

"Wh-what... N-no!" Jim said stuttering, he looked sad. It was almost making me sad too. Almost.

I sighed and put my hand on my head. The bun was still there. And the tiara ... Weird. Maybe tiaras doesn't break while shifting? I honestly have no idea, I've never tried before.

"She is clearly really afraid right now, and when you're stepping closer her heart beat raises." Cedric said, he then looked like he gave himself a mental face palm.

Tessla and Amber nodded in agreement, so did I. It was true, Cylinda got scared by her mate right now. And because she isn't a werewolf she doesn't feel the mate pull as much either.

"And when I think about it, she's not the only one who's scared of you right now." I said and folded out my arm in the direction of the pack members on the other side of the room. All stood very close to the wall. Mates were holding each other and kids had their hands in their ears and their eyes shut.

The alpha growled loudly at me, "Get her to the cell, now!" He said agrily in his alpha tone.

Otis, who still was laying on the ground, stood up and walked to me and dragged me through the room.

"Don't let him near her!" I shouted before we left the room, hoping that they would listen to me. Cylinda should not be near Jim until she isn't scared anymore.

"Okay ... Can your answer some questions for me?" Otis asked when he dragged me through the corridor. I shrugged, but then nodded at him. He can get the answers he want, but I am not promising to tell him the truth.

"How can you look like an omega when your wolf is ... Well, humongous?" He asked me while dragging me around a corner.

"That's something I don't want to tell you." I said as a response. It was true, he would tell everything to the alpha. And I want the alpha to know less than he already knew.

"Hm ... Okay then ... How do you know the Luna?" He asked curiously and looked at me for once.

"After I had ... Hurt the alpha ... Cylinda came to my room and then we walked to the living room and me, her, Tessla, Amber and Cedric talked for a while. Then we went to the gym, because they wouldn't believe me if I told them what color my wolf is. And then I ... Helped a girl and the Beta with ... Some things ..." I told him, leaving some holes in my sentences, not wanting him to know those things. And I am not filling in those holes anywhere soon.

"Mhm ..." He murmured and then before saying anything else he stopped, making me bump in to his back.

I front of us was a metal door, which Otis knocked on. "Name and rank!" A dark voice said from the other side of the door.

"Otis Jones, Warrior." Then the door opened, revealing loads of cells with silver colored metal bars. They were probably silver too.

"A girl?" The same voice said, the man who it belonged to sat on a chair with a desk in front of him.

"Yeah." Otis said and smirked.

"So, what is her name, rank and why is she here?" The man asked.

Otis looked down at me, wanting me to tell him all of that information.

"Uh, Stella Adams, I'd rather not tell anyone here my rank and I am here because the alpha destroyed my dress." I said and gave him a fake smile, making sure it looked fake too.

"Just because he destroyed your dress?" The man asked, frowning at me.

"No, I was protecting the Luna too." I said, because that was true. I protected her from being scared as hell and uncomfortable.

"Err... Okay..." The man said sounding really confused, but he still wrote it down.

"Fill this in, please." He said and gave me a bunt of paper with text on it. The he gestured for me to sit down in front of him. I did so and picked up a pen.

Gender: Female.

Full name: Stella Adams.

Eye-color: Brown.

Hair-color: Brown.

Height: 174 cm. (5'8")

Weight: You should never ask a woman that question...

I was happy with my answers. I didn't answer many of the other questions, just a few.

When I handed the papers to the man he smiled at me, not with a friendly smile though.

"Lead her to cell A67." The man said, not looking up from the papers. Otis gasped, was it really that bad of a cell?

Otis lead me through the corridor of cells. In every other cell there was a man or woman. Most of them were frightening and had many scars.

Otis stopped at the last door. It was a door, not a cell.

He opened the door carefully and stepped in. I did so too. In there was a chair, a silver chair with silver hand cuffs on it.

'I told you to run! We would've been safe if we had ran away!' Luceat complained.

"Sit down." Otis said. My legs felt wobbly while walking to the middle of the room. I sat down in the chair, expecting it to hurt me more than anything. But to my surprise - nothing. My bum just felt a little bit cold.

I looked up at Otis, meeting his gaze. His eyes showed pure confusion, and something else. He looked ... Scared?

"H-how?" Otis stuttered. I smirked at him, so I was immune to silver?


I've started writing these chapters on my computer now :D It's easier, in my opinion.

next chapter will be ... fun ...


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