becoming friends

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You walked inside and pass by the humanoid animatronics and you swear Freddy's eyes were looking at you. "Its okay its okay.." You say to your self you walk to your office and sit in the chair. You read the time out loud. "Hmm...11:39." You sit their waiting for an half-hour then the 12:00pm bell rings signaling you to start. But when you go to look at the cameras the tablet was gone..

You hear a familiar voice say. "Looking for something?" You looks up and see that man again. "Uhh....what do you want?" "Well darling I just wanted to see how you were doing your second that okay?" He put on a fake pouty face. "Ya its fine hey wanna stay here with me company would be fun.

His face lights up and he nods he sots on the desk still not giving you your tablet. "I still need the tablet ya know." "Oh dear no you don't remember I am the leader of the others." You smile shyly. "Sorry forgot." He looks at you and just couldn't look away. You notice this and start blushing. "What is something on my face?" He laughs. "No just observing you." You laugh and he looks at you confused. "Freddy you don't have to be so formal haha."

You laugh so hard you snort then he just kinda fan girls and you stare at him confused. "That was adorable." He hugs you which makes you blush hard. "Freddy let go." But being stubborn Freddy he doesn't listen and his brown eyes look into your (e\c) he leans in looking you in the eyes. 'What is he doing right now?!' Then he stops and asks you in a low voice. "Can we be friends?" You laugh. "Ya we can be friends." He gives you a bone crushing hug and you hug back laughing. Then the bells ring saying time to go home you walk out side waving by the whole time then you get home lay down and immediately fell sleep.


You walk in thinking about Chico from last night and laugh at how you you two meet. 'He's so kawaii.' (Kawaii: to cute. This is for the people who don't know) You think and walk by the stage and see Chico and you smile get bigger.

You get into the office and right when you sit down the bell chimes. You hear some one yell your name down the hallway. "(Y

) (y

) (y

) (yyyyyyyyyyy

nnnnnnn)!" When he gets in the room he hugs a confused you. "Hey Chico how are you?" Still confused he notices. "What are you okay is something wrong?" He looks at you with a sad face. "No!! I was just wondering why you were hugging me?" "Oh" he smiles. "I just wanted to hang with my that okay?" You nod and all through the night he helped you and he took you to the kitchen to make (f\p\t) (fave pizza topping) so long story short you two had fun till you had to leave.


You were late to work cause these stupid kids at your school made fun of you working at a kids place and having your mom in the hospital. So when you came in you were really bruised and bloody. You ran to the office hoping not to get caught when you got in the office you thought you were alone and started crying not noticing Bonnie in the chair he came up to you and picked you up and put you on his lap he hugged you and you cried in his chest. "Hey, hey why are you crying?" He lifted your head up and saw your bloody bruised face and he hugged you tighter. "What happened to you?" You pushed him away and looked at him confused. "Wh-why do you care?" "Cause your my friend aren't you?" You smiled a weak smile nodding. "Ya we are." You hugged him tightly and were so happy to finally have a friend. All night you told him what happened today and cried when the bell rang you hugged him and said bye walking home and going to bed.


You walked in cursing under your breath. You and your brother mike got into a fight over if doll was cheating on him or not. Which she was for this guy named Vincent who was gay!! I mean really. And it hurt you really bad to fight with him so you went to the office and cried.

You didn't even notice some one staring at you with his golden eye. You didn't even know that your shift started. "Why does he never listen." You said throwing Carl the cup cake out the left door an you hear a familiar voice yell. "Owww!!...what did I do lassie?!" He walked in holding the cupcake with one hand and using the other one (that was showing the metal under the skin) to rub his head you glared at him.

"What do you want?" You say angrily. "Well lass I be worried about ye." You tightened your fists and were about to punch him as he brassed for impact. You dropped your hand and when he realized you didn't hit him he opened his eyes. "Lassie the o-" he noticed you were gone. "Lassie where are ye be?!" He yelled through the restaurant. Then he heard quiet sobbing coming from the cove. He walked in and shocked to see you bawling in the corner. He ran up to you and hugged you. "Are ye okay?" You hugged your self. "No." You say he hugs you closer to him you cry into his chest and you ask. "Foxy?" "Yes lass?" "A-are you my friend?" He gets shocked by this and nods. "Yes lass I am ye friend.' You smile. "Good." "Why ye ask lassie?" "Cause my brother is getting cheated on by this girl named 'doll' and she's horrible!" Foxy listens the whole time about how this girl is horrible and how your brother mike sucks. "Wait ye brother be mike?!" Foxy asked confused. "Ya why?" "Well he be a old friend of me." He asked having a look on his face saying. I-dont-wanna-talk-about-it. So you hugged him then the bell rang and you say your goodbyes and you get home avoiding talking to mike and lay in your bed drinking (y\f\s) (your fave soda)


Chapter two finished!!! Hah in your face laziness!!! *dances around the pizzeria*
Foxy: is the lass alright?
Bonnie: I don't know?
Freddy: yes 911 we need help.
Chica: uhhh Charlie you okay
Me: ya better than ever *still dancing around* chica I am the most amazing girl ever to finish this!!! \(°*°)\
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\ \ (lol don't ask)

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