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we used to meet under the stars

your face hidden by night

but your laughter broke free

and i remember how your eyes

used to dance with the streetlights

i stood underneath the bridge

and caught you as your heart fell

but it wasn't enough

it never was

you liked the taste of the wind

and the heat of the fall

and you fell so far

that i couldn't feel you anymore

why did you leave

your blood on the floor

my heart ripped away

i can't breathe not even for you

you were my lungs, my veins

my brain, my body, my eyes

but i went blind after you

these fucking flashes

searing straight through my soul

you left me full of holes

when i stood next to you

you were asleep

when i needed you most

your skin was already blue

your eyes didn't dance again

and i felt the water bite my toes

but i don't care anymore

you fell so hard

that i lost everything

in a moment of clarity

i realized you were going home

to dance with the stars

and now i watch you

remembering your face

blanketed by darkness

lit up under the moon


the way you used to dance

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