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where were you

when i needed someone to lean on?

where were you

when i lost the trail that i always traveled on?

why did you always

carry a bloody axe with you,

as if poised to strike at some unforeseen enemy?

the only one you'd ever hit was me

chopping at my legs with the determination

of a hunter in the jungle

why were you so hellbent

on taking everything that i stood for?

you gagged me with a chloroform rag

and tied me to a tree

just off the path you used to take

why did you leave me there

for the wind to turn my skin blue?

why did you let me bleed out all of my pain

and then took my bandages away?

you expect me to feel some kind of remorse

for a creature as dirty and hungry as you

but i think you've had enough of me

i cannot forgive the beast who succumbs to greed

you'll die in the untamed wilderness

but you brought it upon yourself

to drain my life force, the one thing i needed

so i drain you of power,

the one thing you always had

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