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you looked at me in the mirror

and told me i could be skinnier

having a pretty face wasn't enough

you told me no one wanted a girl

whose stomach wasn't flat

and you pushed away my plate of food

telling me it was for my own sake

you said i would be beautiful

when i looked like a model

and then you pulled me away from the crowd

i wasn't skinny enough yet, you said

i was told that beauty only ran skin deep

but fat ran in my veins

you were proud of me

when i lost weight

but the game wasn't over

i still needed to be beautiful

but every time i looked in the mirror

you were there, jabbing at my stomach

that didn't quite stay flat

and i felt your hands on my shoulder

whispering into my ear

how nothing tasted as good as skinny felt

but my fear of being ugly

left a metallic sting on my tongue

and i wished i hadn't listened to you

because when you stopped visiting me

i couldn't eat anything

without thinking of the poisonous words

you fed to me to make me beautiful

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