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where do i start?

in between the fabrics of my heart?

inside the disarray of emotions and painful colors?

i did all i could

and yet, everything still happens

in front of your eyes, i see

the trickle of apathy and disconnection

likewise, i show you my secrets

the crimson brush of regret

my favorite artist's tool

next to the gallon of liquid sadness

i'm simply a fool

you see, i was born breathing

through charred lungs and white skin

my views blurred by a blind eye

but you were born perfect, a little too much

and that was your demise

your voice was more of a painful crunch

than a melody's final note

so you and i were complements

painting the sky red and the ground black

it was i who cured you

and you who cured me

but little did we know

that we were never meant to mix

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