Super Chapter Ten

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The light that was once gave me energy felt like it burn on my skin. I covered my eyes with my hand and then it suddenly became dark. I smiled and then got up, stretching. I looked at the time; 7:45.

Shouldn't Celeste have woke me up by earlier?

I went to get ready for school. I didn't really wanted to go to school today. I was still tired and I really didn't want to face that girl I slapped yesterday. I went to my closet still deciding if I should skip school or not. I ended up picking a dark grey dress with my black flats. I went to the bathroom and straighten my hair and didn't bother with makeup.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There's no breakfast made.

I frowned and I went to the fridge.

There was milk, cheese, orange juice, sour cream, eggs, some strawberries, leftover spaghetti, and other foods. I grabbed the leftover spaghetti and warmed it up. There was a note on the microwave.

Dyann! Ride the bus today! I didn't want to wake you up since you look peaceful and you need the rest!


P.S. The spaghetti you made was delicious! Thanks for making it!

I crumpled the note and set it on fire.

I hate riding the bus. Why couldn't she just wake me up? This makes me so mad I just want to burn the house down! I calmed myself down and started eating my warm spaghetti. I tried clearing my mind till I got to school.

Once I finished I place my plate on the sink and went to my bus stop. At least people will respect me on friday.

I saw Damien waiting by the bus stop.

"Ah... Dyann... your glowing eyes are showing" he said when he saw me.

I blinked a few times.

"Are they normal now?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I'm just in a really bad mood lately. I had a thought of burning down the house after a burned a note Celeste gave me" I said rolling my eyes like it was nothing.

"B-burning e house down?" He said blinking.

"Didn't you hear me? Yes I was that angry, but anyways it's nice going on the bus with you!" I said with a smile.

"Dyann, are you feeling well?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah? Why the question?"

"You never want to burn down anything, and since when do you have fire as one of your powers?"

I shrugged.

"Anyways, how'd you sleep last night?" He looked worried.

"Good, just that I'm not sure when I even went to sleep. Last thing I remembered was talking with someone and then... nothing" I said.

The bus arrived and we got on in silence.

What's up with silences these days? They are boring and not entertaining, which is the same thing. Blah, blah, blah...

"Dyann!" Someone called.

"Blah!" I replied.

"What is wrong with you today?" Damien said standing up.

"Ha ha you're angry. You might want to change your name to a tomato! Wait... no your redder than one! They are jelouse of you!" I laughed.

"Get up, we are getting of the bus" he said pulling me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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