Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Come on Eustass, you can't be serious." I sighed. 

The redhead captain sent me a glare, "It's captain to you bitch."

"That dude hates me!" We'd been going back and forth all morning over going back and working alongside their cook Trice. Apparently over the years since I'd seen that crusty old bat he'd managed to lose an eye and because of this needed extra help in the kitchen to keep an eye on the food. Unfortunately, the usual helper was in the infirmary due to the fact that he was injured in a skirmish before they ran into us.

"You wanna eat?" I nodded, "Then you're the new fucking kitchen helper."

"Get Vein to do it!"

Kid whipped his metal arm out, catching me by the throat and starting to squeeze, "I'm warning you bitch, test my orders again. That jackass is the new doctor of the crew, not a cabin boy. That's your new job, are we clear?" He squeezed harder for emphasis. 

"Fuck off!" I kicked up my leg in an attempt to hit his elbow joint to loosen his grip. 

I hit my mark and his grip was gone. I dropped down and took deep lung fulls of air, I'm so tired of getting beaten up because I wasn't as strong. I need to start training again, all of this 'take it easy' bullshit that Law pulled me into really damaged me. Did he love me at all or did he seriously just enjoy watching me go to shit, knowing what would happen in the end?

"Tell me Eustass, where do you keep this endless assortment of women's clothing? Is there something you're not telling us?" Vein asked as he strutted across the deck to where the two of us were standing, being sure to swish his hips and play up the 'catwalk' motion. 

The redheaded captain's face flushed as deep red as his hair,"You–!"

"I mean," Vein continued, "These can't be all from your conquests, they're too... clone-y. Like you got them in a set. Do you just shop for women's clothing for fun?"

"Sh-shut up! They are from women who have spent time on the ship!"

"Oh, so you're that much of a whore? Man, and here I was hoping to find out about your secret Friday night burlesque shows." Eustass's face went even redder if that was possible.

"One more remark and I'll kill you. I swear I will." 

He turned back to me, bloody red hair flying around in the breeze, "And you, get your ass to the galley before I decide to just toss your ass off the side of my ship."

At his tone, neither of us argue, rather we turn on our heels and hurry away from him. There's only so far that we're willing to push Kid before backing off. After all, we'd like to live to a ripe old age. Kicking the door open we climbed down the steps to the bellow deck. Everyone was bustling about going on with their daily lives. 

We made it to the end of the hallway that split into two different sections, one leading to the galley and the other leading to the sick bay. "Hey." Vein placed a hand on my shoulder. 

I turned to look at him, "What?"

"If you need me to say something to Trice, you let me know. I've got your back." He said.

"Right, no. I'll be fine. I can fight my own battles, thank you though."

I disappeared into the kitchen and stopped right in front of Trice. The cook turned around, a frown on his face. Even two-three years later no love was lost between the two of us, he hated me just as I disliked him. Though it's shocking to see that he no longer has a both of his eyes, how did he manage to continue being the cook with this deformity? It would be hard to keep his attention on everything to his left. Though I suppose that's what I'm here for. 

Of Warlords and Children (Trafalgar Law Book 2)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara