Waiting for an Answer

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Percy's POV

Getting over the war and the deaths of everyone who died fighting in it was even harder this time around. Probably because the Gods have been quite ever since, like they don't even feel anything for the loss of their children who died bravely to save the world.

Some things that stand out this time around, less monsters attacking us, less quests to take up our time and lives, and more time with our friends at camp and any family at home. It sure is nice being able to spend more time with Annabeth, though. Even with any nightmares we have reflecting our time in Tartarus, we don't let anything get us down. We stay strong.

And another thing. Mom seems to be taking longer shifts than usual, coming home vary late, and yet she never seems tired when she gets back. If anything, she looks... Happy, excited even. And while that's a good thing, I can't help but wonder why she always seems to be like that, especially whenever she looks at me or Annabeth.

Now that the winter solstice is getting closer, though, the Gods have been more active than the have for months, and none of us are sure it's a good thing. Especially since yesterday they sent both camps a request for the seven demigods who were on the quest, plus Nico, Will, and Reyna, to be in attendance at the council meeting on the solstice. And since we have no clue what's going on, we have no way to prepare.

It just so happens that the meeting is next week, and everyone is both excited for it, yet dreading it. What's it about? And there's only one way to find out...

We have to wait...


Well, hello there! AshtheAmazingMerlin here, with a brand new, original Percy Jackson fanfiction! Now, I have to warn you, this takes place after Blood of Olympus, but I haven't even read House of Hades yet, so there will be little to no mention of what actually went on in the war until I get around to actually reading those two books.

I also want to apologize if anything I write doesn't go along with something in the books. I try to do my research and make things somewhat plausible, but there are bound to be some mess ups here and there.

For anyone confused about who Orion is from my summary, all you have to do is read on. :)

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