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Third person POV

In a jail cell at the NYPD sat a man and a woman. The woman had been crying off and on for the past twelve hours. It didn't matter if she was awake or asleep, the tears would come no matter what she or her husband did.

Why is she crying, you may ask. It's because she's afraid. She's afraid for her son who's never met his real family. She didn't know what was going to happen to him now. And now that her and her husband are in jail and can't protect him? The thought was enough to bring the tears back a new.

"Get up. You have visitors," came the voice of one of the police officers they'd seen over the the past day.

Slowly, Marla, the woman, and John, her husband, stood up and faced the back wall with their hands up. The jail cell door opened and the officer walked up behind them and cuffed their hands behind their backs before leading them to an empty interrogation room.

After Marla and John were sitting down and handcuffed to the table, the officer went to the door and opened it, letting in another man and woman, who sat down across from them. The woman nodded to the officer who nodded back and left, shutting the door behind him.

Then the woman turned and smiled. "Hello, my name is Sally Jackson-Blofis, and this is my husband, Paul Blofis," she said.

"Marla Smith, and this is my husband, John Smith. Nice to meet you," Marla replied.

"I know. Do you know why we're here?" Sally asked politely.

"No, not at all," John said, shaking his head.

"We're here to talk to you about your son, Orion," Paul said, looking between the two Smith's.

"Oh, gods, is he okay?" Marla asked, her eyes wide with worry and her heart beating faster as tears started threatening to fall.

"Don't worry. He's just getting used to having a twin around all the time, that's all," Sally reassured.

"A... Twin?" John asked, glancing at Marla. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you know that Orion isn't really your son. What would you do if you met his birth family?"

"Get to know them and find out what circumstances lead to him being put up for adoption at such a young age, I guess. Why?"

"Would you like to meet them?" Paul asked.

"Are they here?!" John exclaimed, not sure what to feel.

Sally stood up and knocked on the door, which opened up a crack.

"You can let them in, now," she told the guard. The door opened wider and in stepped two boys in their late teens, the door closing behind them.

Marla gasped and brought her free hand up to her mouth.

Sally turned back to Marla and John. "This is Perseus Jackson, Orion's older twin brother, and my son. I am Orion's birth mother," she said, a small smile gracing her face as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Oh, my..." John muttered, eyes wide open in shock.

"The reason Orion was up for adoption is because he was kidnapped the day after he was born. Sally never gave him up, she didn't have a choice in the matter," Paul explained.

Marla was in tears. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know!" she sobbed.

Sally was by her side almost in an instant. "I know, and I don't blame you. I know it wasn't you who kidnapped him. You two just received the short end of the stick," she whispered soothingly as she held the sobbing daughter of Aphrodite.

Percy and Orion just stood next to the closed door in silence, watching the scene unfold before them, unsure of what to do.

"Since you're his mother, is Mr. Blofis his father?" John asked softly.

"Oh, no. I only met Sally a few years ago," Paul said, shaking his head.

"Then... Then who is he?" Marla asked, pulling out of Sally's comforting hug and sniffling as her tears and sobs subsided.

"His name's Poseidon," Sally said quietly so that only those in the room could hear.

Marla's eyes widened as John looked from Paul to Sally rather sharply, confusion and awe fighting for control of his facial features.

"The Poseidon? As in the big three?" Marla mumbled questioningly.

"That's correct," Sally answered.

"So... Orion and... Percy... Are twin demigod sons of one of the big three?"

Sally only nodded.

"Hades... I raised a son of Poseidon..."

Orion stepped forward slightly. "Are you okay, Mom?"

Sally slightly winced when he called Marla mom, but she understood the reasoning behind it. He had known Marla as his mom for the past eighteen years, while he'd only just met Sally, his real mom, yesterday.

"Yeah, I'm fine... I'm just glad that now I know why all those monsters were after you all the time when you were younger and whenever we left our property," Marla reassured him. She then turned to Percy and hesitated slightly before smiling. "How are you liking having your twin brother around now?"

Percy noticed her slight hesitation, but pushed it to the back of his mind for now and smiled back. "It's amazing. I was upset at first that mom had never told me about him before, but I got over it fairly quickly once I realized she had plenty of reason to keep it to herself," he said. Curious, Percy looked for her loyalties and was pleased to see that her loyalties lay with her family, meaning no potential enemy or anything like that in her.

"I'm glad. I take it you know about the summer camp for heroes here in New York?" she asked.

Percy nodded. "I've been going since I was twelve. And I know of the one in California, too," he said, showing her his forearm which had the SPQR on it.

Her eyes widened slightly when she saw it, but she nodded and continued with what she was going to say. "I have a favor I'd like to ask of you. My sister died a short time ago and left her two children all alone. We were on our way to get them, seeing as we're their only living relatives other than their father, who's no where to be found, when we got pulled over and arrested. Lena, my sister, had told me when they were born that she had a feeling their dad was a god, but she never told me who. Since we're... In a situation... Could you please take them to camp with you? Orion should know where they're staying currently."

Percy thought about it for a little, then looked to his mom. "Do you think we could go get them when we're done here?"

She shrugged. "It's up to Paul, but I don't mind," she said. The two of them looked at Paul, who looked to be deep in thought.

Finally, he answered. "Sure, I don't see why not. They can even stay with us if it turns out they aren't demigods."

Marla's eyes got misty and she smiled. "Thank you so, so much," she said softly.

"No problem, just doing my job," Percy smiled, saying the last part under his breath.

The six of them talked for as long as they could, but all to soon, their time was up.

Son Of Poseidon, King Of The Gods ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now