Christmas Plans

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No one's POV

"Best Christmas gift ever!" he said, noting that his voice held a certain edge to it, yet was still very much the goofy, playful voice everyone knew and loved.

Then, the dreaded, the uncomfortable, the pressurized silence, filled the room.


Suddenly, another bright light appeared near the center of the room, brighter than Percy's godly transformation had been, causing more people to look away. But Percy was not one of those people.

It was bright. Simple as that. But something was different about this light. So naturally, he looked closer, and by looked closer, I mean he got closer to the point he could almost touch it. And that's when he realized what was different about it. It felt hot, yet cold. Heavy, yet barely there. Welcoming, yet hostile.

Basically, extremely contradictory.

"Ooh, I wouldn't do that, boy," came a voice from the light. He looked down and realized he was about to touch it.

As he pulled his hand away, he heard a disturbance on the other side of the light that he'd decided to call Sam, since he didn't know what else to call it and just calling it "light" was starting to get annoying.

When he looked behind Sam, the gods and goddesses were... On there knees, bowing?! Just who was Sam?

"I am Chaos, young Perseus, the being from which everything originates, but you can call me Sam, if you'd like. And you have accomplished the impossible yet again. What do you have to say for yourself?" Sam, also known as Chaos, said while slowly taking a human form.

"Um, my bad?"

Chaos laughed as he, yes he, finished taking human form. His long hair that was bellowing around and behind him, almost like it was under water, was blacker than black, almost like light couldn't touch it. And yet, there were pinpricks of light in it that looked like stars. His eyes were similar to his hair, being void of color and light, yet held seemingly billions of little pinpricks of the very light they seemed void of.

"Percy, I am not mad at you. If anything, I am extremely proud of you. Do you know what impossible feat you have done this time that is so great I, myself, have come to congratulate you?" he asked Percy.

Percy shook his head. He honestly couldn't think of anything he could have done to deserve a personal visit from the universe himself.

He smiled and said, "Your uncle evidently didn't think about the consequences of you attaining godhood. Perseus Jackson, you have become a being as strong as your father, if not stronger."

Dead silence. Pure, dead silence. And then hell broke loose.

"Lord Chaos?! What is the meaning of this?!" "He's WHAT?!" "How?!" "Lucky!" "Explain yourself, please!" "QUIEEEEEET!!!" That last one echoed all throughout Olympus and even across the New York sky in the form of thunder. It's obvious who said it, isn't it?

Zeus took a breath once everyone had calmed down. "Lord Chaos, please explain what you mean. The Fates said nothing of this," said the king of the gods.

Still smiling, Chaos turned to Zeus. "Simple. They said nothing because if they did, Perseus's fate would have been much different than the one he has earned. As the Hero of Olympus and a key player in both wars, he deserves more than you would have given him if you knew the whole truth, which is that there was a prophecy given long before you came into power that stated:

'The triumphant nephew of the godly king,
Shall rise above on angelic wings.

Known as the saviour of the mountaintop palace,
He shall face all his foes with little to no malice.

Son Of Poseidon, King Of The Gods ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now