Pranking the Cousins

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Percy's POV

"So Orion, where are your cousins staying?" I asked once we were outside.

"They're staying at a friend's house just three city blocks away from where Paul and Sally live, actually," he said nonchalantly.


"North, North East? Why?"

"Because once we're in the car, I'm going to try something," I said with a grin.

Soon, the two of us were sitting in the back of Paul's new Volkswagen CrossBlue (he got his Christmas gift a few days early), with Paul in the driver's seat and mom sitting shotgun.

"Where to, boys?" Paul asked after he turned the car on to start warming it up.

"Hold on," I said, closing my eyes and concentrating. Almost immediately, I could see a holographic map of the globe with different glowing dots in various places, with the biggest clusters of the multi colored dots in San Francisco, CA, Long Island, NY, and someplace in the UK, although there was a fairly big cluster in Japan. Even though I was curious about the clusters in the UK and Japan, I focused on finding mom's place and watched in awe as the map responded in sync with my thoughts, instantly zooming in on my desired location, the glowing dots surrounding it getting more spread out.

I figured out that yellow glowing dots are everyday mortal heroes such as firefighters, medical personnel, and police officers, green ones are military personnel, both retired and active service, light blue are the living 9/11 responders, orange are Greek demigods, and purple are Roman demigods. There were other colored dots, but I didn't have time to figure them out. Surprisingly, there are a lot of military personnel and 9/11 responders living near mom and Paul, but that wasn't what I was looking for, so I tried making it so only the orange and purple dots showed. It worked, and I soon found an orange dot and a purple dot three city blocks North East from mom's place. I was confused about the orange and purple dots being the only ones anywhere near mom's place, but it had to be them.

I quickly gave Paul the directions and felt the car jerk into motion while I kept my eyes closed, busy keeping an eye on the two different colored dots that were hopefully the two people we wanted to see.

Orion's POV

I was sitting next to Percy, watching him out of the corner of my eye, as his eyes glowed slightly from behind his eyelids. He'd given Paul the directions about five minuets ago and still hadn't opened his eyes, though he probably had a good reason.

After twenty more minutes of driving through winter's crazy rush of people doing last minute shopping, we finally passed Paul and Sally's place and about five minutes after that, we arrived at the place my cousins were staying. I was surprised that Percy had found the exact place with only some vague directions on my part, but I was starting to get used to the multitude of strange things happening in my brother's wake. (A/N ba dum tiss!)

"Is this it?" Paul asked as he slowed to a stop in front of an older house in fairly good condition.

"Yep, this is it. I'm going to go get them, you guys stay here," I said, unbuckling.

"Nuh uh, I'm coming, too," Percy said, opening his eyes and unbuckling as well.

Paul chuckled as he put the SUV in park. "Sally and I will stay here and keep the car warm, so you two go on ahead. Be careful," he smiled. I like Paul, he's pretty cool.

Percy and I nodded as we got out of the car and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and stood there next to my brother when suddenly I had an idea. Percy and I are about the same height, we look nearly the same, and our voices are almost identical. We were also both pretty fond of pranking.

"Hey, Percy. Wanna prank my cousins?" I asked quietly.

He looked at me strangely and then smiled mischievously. "What's the plan?"

Third person POV

"Coming!" a voice called through the house after the doorbell rang for a second time. The woman opened the door and wiped her hands on a dish towel that was hanging off her shoulder before looking up to find a young man in his late teens smiling back at her.

"Hello, are Samuel and Cassandra Jewel here?" asked the young man politely.

She nodded and smiled before turning her head to the side and yelled, "Cass! Sam! There's a young man here to see you!"

"Okay! We'll be down in a minute!" came a girl's voice from upstairs, followed by some running footsteps and a few loud yelps.

The woman smiled back at the young man before turning and walking back to the kitchen, most likely to keep washing the dishes.

Soon, two young teenagers came running down the stairs, stopping just shy of the door. They looked at the young man and their eyes went wide.

"Cousin Orion? What are you doing here? Where's aunt Marla?" the girl, Cassandra, asked, confused.

The smiling young man suddenly looked like he was choking, until he started laughing loudly.

"Hades, you were right! They can't tell the difference!" he exclaimed, still laughing as ANOTHER young man stepped out from behind the first. He was also laughing.

Samuel's eyes bulged out of his head. "TWO Orions?!"

The young men, who were now standing side by side, calmed down enough to talk. "No, he's Orion, my name is Percy," they said at the exact same time, pointing at each other respectively. Then they looked at each other. "Oi! Be quiet you! I'M Percy, YOU'RE Orion! No, I am! I am!" they argued in sync, confusing any onlookers. Namely, Cass and Sam.

Seeing the confused looks, the brothers grinned and stopped arguing.

"So, wait... Who's our actual cousin and who's the stranger?" Cass asked.

The young man who had been standing in front smiled even bigger. "I'm the real Orion. And he's my twin brother, Percy Jackson."

Cass and Sam's jaws dropped.

"Guess you aren't the only twins in the family anymore," Orion said, his smile morphing into a slightly smug smirk.


Yo! How's it going? Yeah, sorry for not updating this one in a while, I've kind of been pretty busy with school, life, getting better after having a wicked sinus infection, and also trying to finish up one of my other fanfics since it's almost done and all that jazz. Still, I'm sorry. While Blind and Freeborn are getting more and more popular, I've all but neglected both this one and Defectors of The Leaf. Mainly this one, though... Anyways, here's my apology! I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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