Angelic Wings?

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Percy's POV

Once we were all back at camp, it was almost time for dinner, which I was looking forward to, since Orion was going to get officially claimed at some point. It was actually my idea for dad to claim him during dinner, because A) that rarely happens; and B) imagine the faces of the all the campers when he suddenly gets claimed BY POSEIDON! And don't even get me STARTED on Zeus's face! Not that he's going to be there or anything, sadly.

After the conch sounded, signaling it was time for dinner, I sat at my table, watching as Chiron introduced Orion to everyone as Orion Smith and told him to go sit with the Hermes cabin. The two of us locked eyes briefly as he walked by, and we grinned somewhat evilly. No one knew about him being claimed soon, not even Annabeth and Grover.

Dinner went on somewhat uneventful after that, although every once in awhile someone would glance at him and then glance at me, most likely wondering why the two of us looked so much alike.

Soon, dinner was almost over, and I was getting a little impatient. I was starting to wonder if dad had forgotten his promise so soon when suddenly a bright sea green light started filling to pavilion. Startled, I turned to the Hermes cabin and saw that almost everyone in the dining pavilion was staring at the glowing sea green trident that was floating above Orion's head.

After the trident had faded, Chiron cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention.

"As you have all just witnessed, Orion is a son of Poseidon. Since he has just been claimed, for the remainder of dinner he shall sit with his brother, Percy Jackson," he said, sending a smile in both of our directions.

Orion picked up his plate and walked over to me with a smile.

"The looks on everyone's faces was priceless!" Orion said quietly once he sat down next to me.

"I bet! Oh, don't forget to check your pockets. The Stoll brothers are notorious for their pickpocketing and pranking skills," I warned him.

"I know. They already tried, but they didn't get much more than some paperwork that's torture on dyslexic people!" he said with a laugh.

We finished eating and, since it was the winter solstice, went to the campfire for an EXTRA long sing-a-long with the Apollo cabin. Two hours of singing? Yeah, maybe not. Last time we did that, everyone had sore throats for a week. No kidding.

Although, I wasn't King of the Gods last time, either.

Thankfully, it all went without a hitch, and after the two hour long mini singing festival, I lead Orion back to our cabin. Hades, that's going to take some getting used to.

After he decided on his bed (it was kind of close to mine, but not too close. More like two or three beds away), we stayed up some more, talking about whatever came to mind. We ended up staying up an additional hour just getting to know each other and playing a little game I like to call "find the similarities in our lives!" It was great fun, albeit slightly creepy when we figured out we both lost a treasured birthday gift just six months after we got it. The real kicker? We both realised we had lost it on the same day.

After a few more rounds of the increasingly creepy incidents, we decided it was time to call it a night. After Orion fell asleep, I just lay there, marveling at how chaotic yet almost perfect my day had been. And all without a visit from the Fates, too! Although, when it came to my life, almost perfect was too perfect. Pretty much every time something good happens to me, something even worse happens almost directly after it, as if I'm cursed to lead an increasingly indecisive life. I mean, the day after I was born, my twin brother got kidnapped! And just a year after mom got married to THE YOUNGER TWIN OF HOWARD STARK, the man ends up dying just to save mom and I!

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