My What?

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Orion's POV (at some point before Percy and the others left for the Olympian Council meeting)

I was sitting in the Manhattan Police Station, wringing my hands as I tried to keep my ADHD under control. Beside me sat some papers I knew to be the lab test results I'd requested after my parents were arrested for kidnapping me. I don't understand why, though. They didn't kidnap me. I've been living with them ever since I was born, I even have the pictures to prove it. Pictures of my mom holding me lovingly as a baby, pictures taken on each of my birthdays, I even have my birth certificate! So why do the police think I was kidnapped? Sure, I'm a little different than most kids my age. I've never gone to public school, I've rarely left my home state of Utah, I've never kissed a girl, and I know at least two other languages besides English, but so what? I don't mind. I've never minded.

The only reason we were even in Manhattan was because mom's sister died and we're here to pick up my cousins who were to be living with us from now on, since their dad is a no show and we're the closest living relatives. But thanks to dad not paying attention to the speed limit, we got pulled over and they got arrested, while I'm stuck waiting for a stupid Child Services worker to help me find my birth family. Can't they just give up?! Marla and John Smith ARE my parents! Not to mention I'm eighteen, just a little too old to be needing a Child Services worker in the first place.

"Mr. Orion Smith?" asked a voice next to me uncertainly. I looked up and the man gasped.

"What?" I questioned harshly, still upset about the results of the lab tests.

"Ah... Um... Oh, right, my name is Mr. Underwood, I'm from Child Services. I was asked to come get you. Would you mind stepping outside with me, please?" the slightly scruffy man asked.

"Sure, why not. It's not like you people have completely destroyed my life..." I said as I stood up to follow the guy out. We stopped just outside what must have been his car.

"Listen Orion, can I call you that? Anyways, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you, if you'd be willing to answer them for me," Mr. Underwood said, glancing around every once and a while, as if someone was going to sneak up behind him at any moment.

"Sure, if you stop doing that, you're making me nervous just looking at you," I told him.

He grimaced slightly when I said that, but I dismissed it as he started talking again. "Sorry, nervous tic, I guess you could say. Anyways, first question, are you an only child?" he asked.

I nodded. "As far as I know. Mom said she got sick after she had me and couldn't have anymore children. I've always wanted a brother or two, though. A sister would be okay, but only if she were older than me," I told him. No reason not to tell the truth.

"I see... Are you hungry? I can ask the rest of the questions over lunch," he said. My stomach growled and he grinned.

"Only if you're buying," I laughed. I couldn't explain it, but I felt like I could trust Mr. Underwood.

"What kind of food do you like?"

"Just about anything blue, except blueberries. I'm not too fond of those," I explained, fighting the urge to laugh at his expression. His eyes bulged out of his head when I said anything blue, and I swear, if he had been drinking something at that moment, it would have been everywhere.

"Say WHAT?" he exclaimed. I couldn't take it anymore. I started laughing so hard I started snorting, which only made me laugh even harder.

Once I had calmed down, Mr. Underwood was somewhat glaring at me.

"Get in, I know just the place," he told me.

Grover's POV

I couldn't believe it. The first time I'm out looking for demigods in what felt like forever, I find a Percy look-a-like! He even likes the same food as him! The only physical differences I can find are all from the neck up. One, he has a mole on his lower right jaw almost directly under the outer corner of his eye. Two, his eyes are a slightly darker shade of sea green. Still, they could be identical twins!

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