Questions and Answers

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Percy's POV

Two hours later, Annabeth, Grover, Orion, and I were sitting on a couch in mom and Paul's living room facing mom, Paul, and dad/Poseidon. I guess he knew Orion had shown up at camp at some point during the meeting and that we'd show up at mom's place demanding answers.

"So, can someone please explain why Orion and I look like twins?" I asked, looking between mom and Poseidon. I highly doubted Paul had been in on it, so I wasn't really talking to him.

Mom sighed. "That's because you are," she said, pausing to gather her thoughts. "It all started the day after you two were born. It was late at night and I was tired, so the nurse took you guys to the nursery so I could get some sleep. It felt like I'd only been asleep five minutes when the nurse came running in with panic and fear in her eyes. As soon as she saw me, she broke down in tears, going on about how someone had broken into the hospital and kidnapped three newborn babies and tha...that one of them was mine.

"As soon as she said it, my world spiraled into a never ending nightmare for months. I found out that Poseidon, your father, was a god and that he couldn't be with us for much more than the first month or risk the two of us, Percy and I, getting killed, effectively keeping him from aiding in the search for Orion. Then I found out about the first prophecy and feared that one of you would be the one it was talking about. Turns out it was Percy, but that's beside the point. Then the police gave up looking for you, Orion, and it crushed my spirit almost into oblivion. For the first four months of your lives, I was an emotional wreck, unable to handle life at all. My saving grace was when I met Jimmy Stark, the younger twin brother of Howard Stark.

"He was a kind and supporting man. And I loved him. We dated for about a year before he proposed and we got married a month later. He loved both of us, Percy, and didn't care that he wasn't your biological father. And being a son of Hephaestus meant he knew all about the Greek gods being real.

"He died protecting us during a monster attack just over a year after we got married. The last time we saw any of the Stark's was at Jimmy's funeral. Howard offered to take the two of us in so we wouldn't end up in a bad situation, but my stubborn steak got the better of me. A few years later I remarried to Gabe Ugliano, which that didn't end well.

"Never once did I stop thinking about my lost little boy, but I was powerless. There wasn't a thing I could do, and I died a little every day. But I never gave up hope that one day I'd find you, Orion. But I guess, you found us first," she finished.

"So, wait... My cousin is Iron Man?" I asked, confused.

"What I don't get is if my dad is a god, why couldn't he just, I dunno, work some godly voodoo and find me?" Orion said before mom could answer me. I almost lost it at "godly voodoo".

"They lose track of things just as much, if not more than, mortals. You should see how many quests demigods have to go on just to find something they misplaced. Being a god or goddess has nothing to do with it," Annabeth said, giving the two of us a look.

"Well, that takes care of that, I guess," Orion stated.

"So, where have you been all these years?" Paul asked.

"I've mostly been in Central Utah most of my life. Mom and dad, well the people who raised me, were very nice and looked out for me. John teaches dead languages as a collage professor and Marla is a part time beautician. I've been homeschooled all my life, but most of it wasn't the normal text book work most homeschooled kids do. Considering John is a clear sighted mortal and Marla is a daughter of Aphrodite, most of the time they were teaching me how to fight and defend myself, as well as all about the Greek and Roman gods. Or at least, I'm pretty sure that's what they are," Orion said.

Son Of Poseidon, King Of The Gods ((ON HOLD))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora