Merry Early Christmas?

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Percy's POV

The afternoon of the winter solstice, everyone was gathered on the first floor of the Empire State Building, ready to find out what's been keeping the gods so quite all this time.

Once everyone had gotten out of the elevator, which had been modified to be bigger on the inside just for these kinds of occasions, we all headed to the council/throne room. When we walked in, though, we were greeted with more than just the gods. All of us now had our jaws on the floor, because standing next to our godly parent was our mortal one. Even Nico and Hazel, even though their moms were long since dead.

"M-mom? Wh-What... What... HOW are you here?" Hazel stuttered in shock.

Hazel's mom smiled softly and said, "Your father invited me personally, so how could I refuse?"

"It was the same for most of us, except Lord Hades had to help with those who died for various reasons," said Piper's dad, glancing at Leo's mom out of the corner of his eye.

We were all in shock. Was this why the gods refused to even answer their children when they called? Was this the reason? And if so, why?

Suddenly Zeus cleared his throat, drawing us all from our trances.

"Welcome, young heroes! First, I'd like to thank you all for your bravery during the war, as well as... Express my condolences for those grieving the death of a friend or a loved one. Second, I'd like to wish all of you Happy Holidays.

"Now! Down to business. We gods never properly thanked any of you, mostly because we couldn't think of anything great enough to show our gratitude. But now, after giving it some thought and talking it over with your mortal parents, we've finally figured it out and have unanimously agreed that all of you should be offered immortality and the status of gods and goddesses respectively. What are your answers?"

Again, we all were shocked, me especially. This was my second time being offered immortality, but this time, I wasn't alone. I looked at Annabeth. We could be together forever, but that was if she accepted. If she did, then this time I would accept, too.

Annabeth's POV

Me? A goddess? No words described how I felt at that moment. I was offered immortality, and so was Percy. No way was I letting this opportunity pass me by. But wait, this was Percy's second time being offered immortality. He turned it down last time, so what if he did it again? I wouldn't be able to handle it if I accepted but he didn't. But wait, what if he accepted and I didn't? Wouldn't that be just as bad?

Finally I came to the perfect solution. If he accepted, so would I.

Leo's POV

Woah, really? I can be a god? No way! Count me in! No way I'm letting this go! The super size McShizzle will last FOREVER!

No one's POV

As the ten demigods were busy mulling over the offer, some determined to be with their boyfriend/girlfriend no matter what, they all came to similar conclusions.

The first to speak were Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.

"I accept if Percy/Annabeth accepts," they said at the same time before looking at each other and laughing. Sally smiled at the two.

The others went over by one, all saying something similar to what Percy and Annabeth had said.

Once everyone had accepted, their parents beaming with pride, Zeus spoke once more.

"Will Solace, step forward!" Zeus boomed. Will stepped into the center of the room, unsure of what to expect.

"For acting as a light in the darkness of war for your less experienced siblings, you shall be known as the god of light and hope," Zeus announced, Apollo smiling proudly as a bright yellow light surrounded the former counselor of the Apollo cabin.

When the light died down, Will was standing taller with his eyes closed, his whole being glowing lightly. When he opened his eyes, they were no longer the blue they had been. No, they were now a light gold that radiated hope.

"Piper McLean, step forward!" Zeus boomed as Will went to one side of the room.

When Piper was standing where Will had been, Zeus resumed. "For your short time of putting up with your mother without turning out like the rest of your siblings, as well as your willingness to wield Katoptris, you shall be known as the goddess of inner beauty and visions," Zeus proclaimed, with Aphrodite both happy and slightly offended, but she cheered up when a pale lilac light surrounded Piper.

When the light cleared, it revealed Piper to be in much the same stance as Will had been, and when she opened her eyes, they had also changed color. They used to be either blue, green, or brown, but now they were a steady light violet that varied shades and intensity.

The same was repeated with the others, with certain differences that are as follows:

Reyna: goddess of fights and forgiveness; soft red-brown eyes
Frank: god of courage, origins, and shape shifters; strong light blue eyes
Annabeth: goddess of architecture and strategy; silver and sea green eyes
Leo: god of mechanical engineering and fire; fiery dark orange-gold eyes
Hazel: goddess of earth and curses; brown eyes with specks of silver
Nico: god of time and darkness; dark grey and silver eyes
Jason: god of flight, air currents, brownies, and spearmanship; deep blue, brown, and metallic grey eyes

Finally, it was Percy's turn. He didn't know why he was saved for last, but he was kind of nervous now that everyone had already gone.

"Perseus Jackson, step forward!" boomed his uncle. Percy gulped and did as he was told.

His dad leaned forward a bit and said with a smile, "Merry Christmas, Percy."

Percy gave a nervous smile in return, but his nerves had died down a little. He turned his attention back to the king of the gods.

"Perseus Jackson, your deeds are nearly countless, as well as the times that we have called out and depended on you. This is also your second time being offered immortality, no?"

Percy flushed at that.

"But no matter. You've accepted this time, and so, for your numerous feats of bravery, stupidity, and heroism, you shall now be known as the god of leadership, loyalty, heroes, swordsmanship, sass," Annabeth and a few others snickered at that, "rivers, lakes, and blue food, as suggested by your mother." Once Zeus had finished his piece, Percy started to feel tingly, and before he knew it, he was glowing a mixture of gold, blue, silver, and sea green.

Percy was glowing so brightly that multiple people had to either turn away or shield their eyes, and when the glow was gone, Percy was, like the others, standing tall with his eyes closed. But unlike the others, he had an almost tangible presence the others seemed to lack, and it only intensified once he opened his now multicolored eyes.

Right away, Percy noticed he felt lighter and stronger. He could also see were everyone's loyalties lie, which surprised him when he first opened his eyes. His senses were heightened, he held troves of sass locked up inside him, and he could somehow tell right where every single bit of blue food was in the world. And every time he closed his eyes and concentrated, there was a map of sorts that showed him where different heroes, both demigod and mortal alike, were at that moment. He still had his powers from before, when he was just Percy Jackson, the demigod son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, but he also had new powers, ones that were strictly his.

"Best Christmas gift ever!" he said, noting that his voice held a certain edge to it, yet was still very much the goofy, playful voice everyone knew and loved.


Hello again, everyone! Here's the second installment of my awesome Percy Jackson fanfic! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, because I truly had fun writing this chapter, as well as later chapters!

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

Son Of Poseidon, King Of The Gods ((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now