Day 5

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Day 5: Write a scene that takes place on a farm.

 See that prompt up there?^ Well, I don't want to write about that so I'm going to use one off the extra prompts! I have chosen the prompt--Write a scene involving a dare.

"C'mon Lexi! You have to play! You're at a party!"my friend Katie pleaded.

I groaned,"Fine. But Just for a little bit."

I plopped down in the empty spot between her and another guy that went to our school. We were at the end of the year party after Junior year. I had had just enough alcohol to make me agree to playing a stupid game of Truth or Dare.

The host of the party spun the bottle. It landed on Jake, the quarterback. He immediately said,"Dare."

"I dare you to,"the girl thought about it for a moment,"Uh...Go get the goldfish out of the tank and lick it!"

The whole group laughed including me as Jake grumpily got up and shuffled over to the fish tank on the wall. He picked up the net and easily scooped a fish up. He scrunched up his nose as he brought it to his face and quickly darted it out, giving the fish a lick. He gagged as he made his way back to the circle.

Now he spun the bottle. This time it landed on Katie. Her eyes widened and she said,"Truth." My mouth fell open as a gaped at her. Picking truth was risky, even for Katie.

The guy smirked and wiggled his eyebrows,"How many guys in this circle have you hooked up with?"

She blushed and looked around. There was seven guys in the group and I could easily point out at least three that she had been with. It wasn't a secret that Katie wasn't very shy around guys.

"Four,"she finally replied. The whole circle gasped but I just rolled my eyes. Typical Katie.

While I was still reminiscing all the times that Katie had proven how weird she was, she spun the bottle. Of course it landed on me. Just my luck.

She gave me an evil grin,"Truth or dare?"

I groaned and said,"Dare."

"Okay. I dare you to kiss Lee,"she smirked, pointing over to my latest crush. He was captain of the basketball team and one of the hottest guys at our school.

I blushed a bright red and he looked at Katie in shock. Then, we both turned our heads and made eye contact. Lee just shot me a small smile and shrugged, before scooting over to sit in front of me. He closed his eyes and leaned in, causing me to close my eyes in response. His lips touched mine, causing an electric spark to shoot through my body. 

Instead of pulling away immediately like I expected him to, he kept his lips there for awhile, massaging my lips gently with his. I had expected him to run away from my horrible kissing skills by now, but it was still about ten seconds before he pulled away. I sat back and looked at him with wide eyes, trying to slow my chaotic breathing. He shot me a big, warm smile which I happily returned.

I don't know what this meant for me or for us, but I know that I will never forget that kiss. Ever.

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