Day 16

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Day 16: Write a scene based off something that occured in your life.

I winced as I licked my fingers once again. I had done it almost a dozen times now. My brow was furrowed in concentration as I tried to force myself to face my fears.

This probably sounds a little crazy, but let me rewind a few minutes to make it more clear.

*Three Miinutes Earlier*

"Mom, does it hurt if you lick your fingers and put out the candle flame, like in a movie?" I asked, curiousity clear in my question.

My mom looked at me in concentration before shrugging,"I've always wondered that, but I never did try it."

I grinned and walked into my room, staring intently at the small pink candle that I had lit earlier. My two sisters and brother joined me, looking extremely amused.

I took a big breath in before coating my thumb and index finger in saliva and sticking them partially around the flame. The flame danced and I jerked back in fear. I calmed my breathing as my siblings laughed at me, clearly oblivious to my distress.

*Present Time*

"Come on,"Maddie, my younger sister groaned,"You're taking forever! Just do it already!"

"Hey now,"I narrowed my eyes at her slightly,"Nobody told you you had to watch,"

She just stuck out her tongue and shrugged. I huffed and walked into the living room where my mom still sat. I sat down on the couch, desperate for a break from staring at the candle.

"Is it rational to be afraid of touching fire?"she nodded,"That's what I thought."

My siblings stood at the front of the room, giving me anxious looks. So, I reluctantly got up and and headed back into my room. This time, my determination high and present.

I licked my fingers and slid them down into the glass container of the candle, my fingers on either side of the flame. I then proceeded to take them out and repeat the process. I did this a few times before my courage was strong enough.

Then, finally, I pinched the black wick of the candle, efficiently putting out the flame with a sizzle.

Best part? It didn't hurt at all! My siblings and I gallavanted into the leaving room, cheers erupting and goofy smiles all around.

My mom looked at me curiously, so I said,"It worked! It didn't hurt at all!"

"Awesome!"she said before going back to texting on her iPhone.

I rolled my eyes and sat down, pride making my chest swell. I blinked a few times, but there was still a purple and blue spot in my vision from staring at the flame for so long.

Oh well, it was totally worth it.


Hey there! This is based exactly off an event that happened yesterday! My life is extremely boring, so this is the first thing that popped in my head!

Lesson: Licking your fingers and putting out a candle is true and painless!

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