Day 10

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Day 10: Write a scene where some kind of emergency occurs.

"Hailey, you need to come down to the hospital. Gray was in an accident."

Those words kept repeating in my head over and over as I drove to the hospital. What could have possibly happened to my sweet, innocent little brother? Why did he deserve anything remotely negative to occur in his simple life?

I guess the real question here is: Does anybody? Does anybody really deserve their cancer or their loved one that died prematurely? Of course, some people actually do deserve what they get. But sometimes, karma gets things switched up and bad things happen to good people. 

I finally made it to the hospital and I run into the lobby, skidding in front of the front desk.

"What room is Gray Carson in?"I ask before she can say anything.

She looks at me in worry before typing some things into the computer. When she stops she turns to me with a sad look. 

"Gray Carson is currently in surgery. Is there anyone that you need me to contact for you?"she asks, sympathy clear in her voice. It was probably fake, seeing in which she had to deal with these things on a daily basis.

I just shook my head and turned around to face the waiting room. I scanned but was unable to find a singe one of my family members. I groaned and walked to an empty corner of the room before pulling out my phone and dialling in my mom's number. It rang a few times before she picked up.

"Honey where are you? I called over half an hour ago!"my mother's worried voice practically shouted through the receiver.

"I'm in the lobby! Where are you?"I searched around the waiting room frantically, thinking maybe that I missed her.

"We're in the cafeteria. Honey, listen-"before she could say anything, i interrupted.

"I'm on my way,"then I hung up and walked back up to the receptionist.

"Where can I find the cafeteria?"she didn't say anything because she was currently on the phone, so she pointed to a hallway that had a sign that said cafeteria. I gave her a nod of thanks before quickly scurrying away.

I practically ran down the hallway before I made it to the set of double doors. I hurried in and quickly found my parents and other brother, Gray's twin, sitting at a table, uneaten food placed in front of them.

I quickly took a seat and searched all of their sad faces. This can't be good. Before asking what happened, I decided that my brother should probably leave so that I can hear the whole truth. After all, he's only six.

"Parker? Can you please give us some grown-up time?" I pulled two dollar bills out of my back pocket and handed them to him,"Here. Go buy yourself some candy over at the vending machine."

He gave me a big toothy grin before scurrying away to the hulking machine. I turned to my parents with a dreadful expression,"What happened?"

My dad sighed before looking me in the eye,"We were playing out front when the baseball rolled into the road. Before I could stop him, Gray ran out into the road....and right in front of a speeding car."

My mom started crying and my dad continued,"They said that he has a lot of internal bleeding and many broken bones. They said that he needed to go into surgery so that they could try to stop the internal bleeding, but it might not work."

By this time I had joined my mother in her waterworks. We were both sobbing and leaning on my dad for support. i don't know how long I sat like that, but eventually I seperated myself and went to seat on a bench by the window. I looked outside to see that it had started to rain, perfect for the situation.

I sat there, half in a daze, until a doctor came walking in. My hunched form straightened itself out as I watched the doctor intently. He walked up to my parents and started to speaking in a whisper, but i could still barely make out what he was saying.

"Mr. and Mrs. Carson?"he asked.

They nodded eagerly and looked at him with hope clear in their eyes. He gave a small smile and said,"Your son is out of surgery. Come with me so that we can speak more privately. I jumped out of my seat and grabbed Parker's hand, eager to find out the news.

I followed them down the hall and into the recovery unit. Then we went through a door. There, I found my fragile little brother propped up in a hospital bed that seemed much too big for him. There were tubes in his nose and an iv in his arm. It sickened me to not be able to do anything to help.

The doctor left Parker and I in the room while he took my parents to his office. I just hope that everything is alright. 

I sit in the chair next to his bed. His face looks pale and seems to lack the usual life that fills it. His eyes are closed, but I know that they are the palest blue. I pick up his hand, but no reaction comes. I hold onto it for dear life, as if if I let go, he will be gone forever.

It seems like a lifetime but it was probably only a few minutes before the doctor and my parents returned. I look at their faces for any hint as to what was going on.

"Gray is on the road to recovery. He should be able to go home in a few days. In the meantime...."I blocked his voice out after that. My face transformed into a smile as my eyes began to shed happy tears.

He said something about a medicine induced coma and plenty of bedrest, but i wasn't really listening. I was looking at my brother, looking frail in the hospital bed, but fine/

He was going to be okay. Everything was going to be okay.

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